
  • Essay / Theroy Organizational Culture Review - 1381

    Organizational Culture Theory Review1.1.1 Definition of Leader and LeadershipWhat is the definition of leadership? Gary Yukl (2006) defines leadership as "the process of influencing others to understand and agree on what should be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to achieve shared objectives” (p. 8). .Above all, the manager must have a high ethical level. The manager must frequently speak and apply ethical values ​​and ethical commitment in an organization. They can also predict ethical dilemmas that arise in an organization, give lectures on how to apply ethical values ​​in teamwork, and identify the same issues that arise. Second, they must manage with high emotional intelligence. EQ is the effective way for a person to interact with others, manage themselves, motivate others, understand how they feel, and challenge themselves to achieve their goals in life . Without EQ, leaders will lack the skills to transform employee perceptions. Compared to leaders with low emotional intelligence (EQ), they have weaknesses in how they treat other employees, as Daniel Goleman has documented. Third, it is about building trust among employees in the organization. The manager must build trust among employees, support and honestly judge employee production, be consistent in running the company, so that the good culture is maintained. The fourth approach is to develop visions for the future. If managers and employees have a common goal and it is well communicated, then it is possible for them to support each other. When we have a positive outlook on the future, it will enable unwanted change p...... middle of paper ...... like the best customer service. 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW A strong and dynamic company culture is - like many of the more complex facets of HR - difficult to understand. Immeasurable by analytics or statistics, it is a powerful tool that human resources professionals sometimes struggle to maintain. For D'neale Prosser, head of human resources at IKEA Brisbane, the path to a strong culture starts with establishing some core values. “I think a lot of it is the humble beginnings of our business,” she told HC. “The true IKEA spirit is always about our enthusiasm, our constant quest for renewal, cross-consciousness and simplicity in the way we do things. » (HCA 2013).3.0 CONCLUSION4.0 REFERENCES1. HCA 2013, Creating and Maintaining a Strong Company Culture. Available at: [September 12 2013].