
  • Essay / A comparison of Sonnet 116 and the mother in a refugee camp.

    The poems Sonnet 116 and Mother in a Refugee Camp are acknowledgments of love in which the poets describe different forms of love. Shakespeare explores Eros while Achebe explores Philia, these poems show how changeable love can be. Philia is a Greek form. of love that relates to family love which in my opinion can be appropriately related to the poem written by Achebe. Additionally, the poem could also be related to agape love when the poet compares this mother's love to that of Jesus and Mary "No Madonna". and the child could touch / Her tenderness for a son,” this states that none of the depicted versions of Mary’s tenderness toward a dying Jesus could compare to this unique mother. Sonnet 116 highlights Eros, romantic love, considering that Shakespeare defines this kind of love, he does so by first saying what it is not, then explaining how it is not. not logical or sensible and those whose definitions of love follow these guidelines condemn themselves to lives without love. In my opinion, what ties these poems together is not only the theme of love, but also how unconditional they are and how the poets do not let circumstances be a barrier to love. In Shakespeare's case there are many, but the overlap lies in death and the actuality of love. These depictions of love show the reader that there should be no reason for love to be hindered by anything. The poems also have very different and separate points, Shakespeare uses many literary devices to emphasize and bring his message to life. The first of these is alliteration which is immediately clear in the first line itself: the repetition of the letters "m" and "t" in "I am not at the wedding of true spirits" gives the line a internal rhythm..... .middle of paper ...... threads to let difficulties taint emotions. These are the points where they differ, both talking about the connections that exist between two people and how those connections should be endless but written in a way that when read, separately, we feel incredibly different where one paints a picture of death and decay, the other creates a picture of how love is meant to grow in life but does not end in death. I have the impression that poets, although they show different images of love, convey the same definition of the phenomenon that we see in all stages of love and that those who give up because they feel that hope is love didn't love in the first place. Although the images are contrasting, the poems have many similarities in how love is perceived and I believe that even though the images are opposite, positivity can be seen even though we see Shakespeare and Achebe trying to get across their arguments through rose-tinted glasses..