
  • Essay / Smoking ban: good or bad? - 1792

    Smoking ban: good or bad?I grew up with a mother and father who didn't smoke, but when we went to visit my grandmother and aunt every weekend, I couldn't stand the smell and always felt like I was suffocating. The only thing I really knew about the smoke in their houses was that it smelled horrible, I didn't understand that it would affect me later in life. One day, during my seventh grade physical education (PE) class, I started to feel unwell. time to breathe, I thought it was because I was running and playing with my friends. After about thirty minutes, I was finally able to catch my breath after relaxing a bit, but when I got home, I was out of breath again. I raised my arms above my head and felt like I was running a mile without stopping for a break. I didn't know what was happening and my mom hadn't gotten home from work yet, so I decided to just relax and focus on my breathing. My mother finally came home and I told her I was having difficulty breathing, she rushed me to the emergency room. In the emergency room, they hooked me up to oxygen. My blood oxygen level was dangerously low. After about thirty minutes, they unhooked me and gave me three different breathing tests, then hooked me back up to oxygen. I had no idea what was happening. An hour later they told me I had some kind of asthma. It is of bronchial origin, or simply called seasonal asthma. I grew up working with horses and never had a problem with pollen or dandruff. So we were shocked to learn that I now had asthma. Doctors believe it was the result of my exposure to my aunt and grandmother's smoky homes, filled with second-hand trash. smoke. Although I never stayed there very long, over the years, these weeks...... in the middle of the newspaper...... the health of non-smokers. Works Cited Boyes, William J. and Michael L. Marlow. “Public Demand for Smoking Bans.” Public choice. 88 (1996): 57-67. JSTOR. Internet. March 3, 2014. Glantz, Stanton A. and Caroline M. Fichtenberg. “Effect of smoke-free workplaces on smoking behavior: systematic review.” British Medical Journal, 325.188 (2002): n. page. Web.07 March 2014.Saad, Lydia. “More and more smokers feel harassed by smoking bans.” Gallup. Gallup, July 25, 2007.Web. March 9, 2014.Yount, Blake. “An argument against banning smoking.” Examiner, June 13, 2009. Internet. March 9, 2014.Zablocki, Rong W. et al. “Smoking ban policies and their influence on smoking behaviors among current California smokers: a population-based study.” Preventive medicine59 (2014): 73-78. Academic research completed. Internet. March 3. 2014.