
  • Essay / Understanding Indian Culture for Visitors

    Indian culture is the mother of all cultures. Indian culture is 5,000 years older than any other culture. Even though India has accepted modern lifestyles, people still follow traditional lifestyles. Visitors to India should be aware of the traditions, beliefs and family orientations of members of the society. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay The fabric of Indian culture is woven with many traditions. Traditional and customary practices constitute an important part of culture. Indian traditions have been followed by people for many years and passed down from generation to generation. In India, it is traditional to respect parents, teachers, grandparents and all elders. In my country, it is tradition to be honest, honest and help each other in need. As a sign of respect, young people touch the feet of elders every day when they wake up and on special occasions. People greet each other by saying “Namaste” while clasping their hands. Namaste means hello. It is traditional to celebrate holidays in my country. All states have their own traditional holidays. The holidays are extremely traditional and everyone celebrates them along with religious activities with family members, friends and neighbors. One of the biggest and most enjoyable festivals is Holi. It's the festival of colors. It is believed that on the day of Holi, people forget their past mistakes and start again. Each state has its own traditional language. The traditional and national language of all India is Hindi. All states have their own traditional and diverse dance forms. Even today, Indians follow the tradition of a joint family system in society. People give a lot of importance to religious activities. The tradition of following a religion allows people to know their heritage, religious backgrounds and other spiritualities. There are many rituals and religious activities in different religions, but as time passes, these traditions also become modernized and many disappear. Almost all marriages in India are arranged by the elders of the family. Family members always respect the views and ideas of the bride and groom. Marriages are only arranged once the bride and groom feel comfortable with each other. Many people around the world wrongly believe that marriages in India are arranged even without seeking permission from the bride and groom. This idea is completely false because marriages are actually arranged after asking the opinion of the bride and groom. India is famous for its traditional architecture. The country's best-known example of traditional architecture is the Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. Each state has its own style of dress. The traditional costume for women is usually the sari or salwar kameez. The traditional costume for men is the dhoti-kurta or shirt-dhoti. As time has changed, so have many of the country's old, unwanted traditions. The tradition of sati or killing a widow was abolished by the government. Each state has its own food style. The staple food of India is wheat, which people eat in the form of rotis/chapatis with sabzi or curry. People are addicted to spicy and tasty dishes like Sarson da Saag, Dal Makhani, Rajma, Choley and many more. Indian music is called Hindustani classical music or Shastriya Sangeet, which has its origins in Vedic ritual chants. Indian classical music iscomposed of seven notes – Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni and five half notes mixed with the base notes, resulting in a 12 note scale. Many of the country's traditions prove great over time. As time changes, so do many traditions, and many of them still endure. Although Indians are diverse in their languages, dressing style, food style and many other styles, these cultural traditions are believed to be the origin of their unique equality and unity among Indians. Indian beliefs and superstitions are passed down from generation to generation. Astrology is an important part of Indian culture. Indians, especially Hindus, follow and believe in astrology. Even today, people like to set a wedding date, enter a house, etc. by following astrological dates and times. Although societies are modernizing every day, people believe and follow many superstitions. Although many people do not believe in superstitions, deep down in their minds, they believe in them and follow them. Many superstitions are considered auspicious in society. For example, putting kumkum on the forehead of a Hindu Indian woman is considered a good omen. Everything has a pros and a cons. Although many superstitions are believed to have good omens, many other superstitions are also believed to have bad omens. For example, when people go out and see a black cat crossing their path, it is believed that their journey that day will not be safe. It is so mysterious to find out why old and new generations follow these superstitions. Indians believe that when people respect their elders, they receive more blessings. In India, parents teach their children to respect their elders from a young age. They teach children that when you show respect, you automatically earn respect. People have a close relationship with the religion they believe in. Indian religious beliefs are believed to bind them to values. From a young age, people are taught to believe in God and follow religious instructions. There are many religions in India. Everyone believes in these religions. Even though many people follow one religion, they also believe, respect and follow the concept of other religions. Education is considered and regarded as an important part of Indian life. People believe that when they are educated, they can earn a better income and take care of their family members. In many parts of the country, men once believed that girls/women were not part of their society and always wanted to see them in the house, next to the kitchen. It was believed that the birth of a baby girl was not good for the family. In India, determining the sex of a child before birth is considered punishable by law, as many male relatives determine the sex of their child and abort the baby if it is a girl. To put an end to a huge number of abortions in the country, the court decided to make prenatal sex determination punishable. As India is modernizing every day, women today hold the same positions and respect as men in society. Women have shown that there is no difference between men and women. Cultural beliefs and religious beliefs are closely related. Another widely recognized and followed phenomenon in India is the doctrine of karma. This doctrine preaches that every person must behave justly, because every act or action comes back in a loop when.”