
  • Essay / Essay Proverbs 3 - 1176

    What should we do to be closer to God? I ask myself this question almost daily. The third book of Proverbs describes several ways in which we can draw closer to God and gain spiritual wisdom. In the third book of Proverbs, there are thirty-five verses that can be analyzed in depth and discussed in depth; However, I will only discuss the first twelve. Proverbs 3:1 states "do not forget my teaching" and "let your heart keep my commandments", these are two very bold statements, both firm commandments taken from the script of Proverbs itself. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown states: “the law and the commandments – all divine instructions / let your heart keep them – or keep them sincerely” (Jamieson-Fausset-Brown,, par. 5). This implies that we should think about all divine teachings in our daily lives and sincerely observe God's instructions. In Proverbs 3:2, the ESV wording was a little peculiar, so I went to the NIV and they articulated it pretty well for me. The ESV said, “they will add to you days and years of life and peace.” but the NIV says, “for they will prolong your life for many years and bring you peace and prosperity.” » The NIV introduced a simpler interpretation of the verse and made it easy to understand that if we remember what God has taught us, we will live long and prosperous lives. The meaning of Proverbs 3:3 is very unequivocal, the NIV states “may love and faithfulness never leave you; tie them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Clarke's commentary states: “May not mercy and truth forsake you. May these be your constant companions throughout life. / Tie them around your neck - Keep them in sight at all times. Write them on the table of your heart - let them be your movement...... middle of paper ...... m, par. 2). This is personally one of my favorite verses in the Bible because of the eternal comfort it provides. Even though sometimes things don't work out in our favor, God still loves us and always will because we are His children. Although there are 35 verses in the Book of Proverbs, the first 12 always caught my interest because of the demands of the book's storyline made of the people. If I didn't know God, why would I want to tithe? I wouldn't do it, because I wouldn't recognize the benefits. If I didn't know God, why would I leave my future in someone else's hands? I wouldn't do it, because I don't recognize the benefits. I think if everyone read, or even listened to, Proverbs 3:1-12, it might spark their interest in knowing God better. I hope as many people as possible find as much inspiration in these verses as I do...