
  • Essay / The concept and history of Islamist terrorism

    Table of contentsWords and organizations to knowHistory of Islamist terrorismConditions leading to Islamist terrorismBibliographyWords and organizations to knowIslamist terrorism claims to be inspired by Islam. Islamist terrorism or radical Islamist terrorism is generally defined as “any act, pattern of acts, or terrorist campaign committed by groups or individuals who profess Islamist motivations or objectives.” Islamist terrorists justify their violent tactics by interpreting the Quran and Hadith according to their own goals and intentions. » Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get the original essayThis term should not be used with global terrorism, as it is considered offensive by the administrations of countries with large numbers of Muslims in their country. their society, such as Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia. It associates Islam in general as a religion with terrorism. Islamic is an adjective to define Muslims and the religion Islam and refers to the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, while Islamist is a 20th century construct that has a political entity within itself and is destructive to people around the world. (Thus, the correct term for terrorist acts or figures is Islamist or Islamist terrorism and not Islamic terrorism.) The term was originally used to describe the Islamic religion, without any political aspects. After the Islamic Revolution of 1978-79, the term took on a political dimension. With the establishment of the new Islamist government, the term became an ideology along with fundamentalist Islam, radical Islam and literalist Islam. After the September 11 accidents, Islamism was no longer used to describe the Islamic religion but rather to describe the ideology that interpreted the Quran literally and aimed to impose any version of Islam on the world. Company. It is the political manifestation (formal or informal) of Islam. It differs from Islam to the extent that Islam is the religion followed by Muslims without having a political entity, while Islamism is an ideology which, with or without violence, attempts to enforce its message and to terrorize populations into submission. Overall, Islamism includes a variety of Islamist movements and represents neither Muslims nor Islam. Although unconstitutional in many countries, Sheria is made up of laws and legislations of Islam which concern the socio-economic, political and cultural aspect of the adherents and their code of life. . It is inspired by the holy book of the Koran, the prophet Muhammad and the hadiths. Jihadism: Jihad, the origin of the word, means a struggle in the name of Allah, which can be interpreted as the transmission of the messages of Allah and the Quran to non-Muslims. Many extremists of Islam consider it the sixth great commandment of Islam and justify their acts of violence against Westerners by this means, but the majority of Muslims are against violent jihadism. Al-Qeada was born from the uprising in defense against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qeada began serving as a logistics network at this time and after the war, when the Soviets withdrew, the organization dispersed but did not disappear. It continued to serve as a veteran health system. The organization was reestablished as the Taliban in the 1990s. Veterans of the Soviet-Afghan War were the first members of the newly reestablished organization. Al-Qaeda has participated in numerous terrorist attacks, the most significant being the 9/11 attacks.September” which took place in the United States. After this attack, the leader of the organization, Osama bin Laden, was killed in an operation led by American troops and the CIA. Al-Qaeda later released a statement announcing that Ayman Al Zawahiri had been appointed to replace bin Laden as leader of the organization. Hezbollah is a political and military organization based in Lebanon and composed of Shiite Muslims. It appeared in the early 1990s. The organization now holds 12 seats in the Lebanese parliament. Hezbollah has been considered Israel's greatest enemy since its occupation of Lebanon until 2000. Tension between the two forces sparked a war that ended in a ceasefire. After surviving a massive attack by Israel, Hezbollah declared victory, making it even more recognizable in the Arab world. Also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Islamic State (IS). The organization was founded in the early 2000s, as an ally of Al-Qaeda. Its goal is to create an Islamic state called the caliphate in Iraq, Syria and beyond. “In June 2014, he declared the caliphate and the state. ISIS's revenues come from oil production and smuggling, taxes, ransoms from kidnappings, the sale of stolen items, extortion and harvest control. Its leader is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. As of 2014, it controlled more than 34,000 square miles in Syria and Iraq, from the Mediterranean coast south to Baghdad. Today, with data derived from the latest research, its territory has been reduced to approximately 23,320 square miles.*History of Islamist TerrorismThe history of Islam begins in the year 610, when the Prophet Muhammad began receiving the instructions from Allah in the new religion. From this time until the 17th century, Islam lived its golden age. As the West advanced militarily, things began to change. Very quickly, the empire collapsed. In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte led his expedition to Egypt, after which the Arabian Peninsula was heavily occupied by many states such as the British (modern occupied Yemen), the French (occupied Tunisia), and Russia (captured parts of Persia). ). However, the greatest attack on the Muslim world was the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. While some Muslims had no problem adapting to the new global era, controlled by the West, a minority of them did. This tension created a new, rigid ideology that was later called Islamism. “Islamism has come to be seen as a struggle to return to the glory days when Islam reigned supreme. » They rejected the modernization brought by the West and considered them the agencies responsible for the demolition of the Islamic Empire. Western influences on the Arabs were unstoppable and the Arabs did not understand why Islamic values ​​were losing importance in the West. Thus, they not only rejected Western development and modernization, but also their own governments which they considered submissive to the West. Thus, their ideology of returning the Islamic empire to its glory days became one that uses force to reject Western influences and overthrow all those they considered Western sympathizers. In an effort to reject Western influences and secularism in the MENA region, organizations have begun to emerge. One of the first to appear was the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. After that, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, the Taliban and other organizations grew. These organizations follow the ideology of Islamism which is not commonly accepted among other Muslims. They misinterpret the Hadiths andthe Quran so that it corresponds to their political objectives. They adhere to a perverse version of Islam. Therefore, 1.6 billion Muslims around the world should not be held responsible for the acts of violence committed by these Islamist terrorists. Many Western government officials say a war is underway. From the Western point of view, this war is against "evil", from the Islamist point of view, this war is against non-believers. But in reality, this illegitimate war cannot be justified by the Quran or the Hadiths. According to the five commandments of Islam, there is no obligation to “Jihad”. Contrary to what Islamists say, the war is not in the name of Allah, nor in the name of Islam and therefore, it should be called a war against militant Islam and Islamic peoples should be excluded from the classification of Islamists. Terrorists. Violent extremism in the Muslim world remains a persistent problem. And the way to eradicate it is to eradicate the conditions that led to it.Islamist TerrorismThe majority of people simply assume that there are two main reasons for Islamist extremism: poverty and lack of education. The poverty trap causes would-be terrorists to run amok with no apparent chance of escape and to seek resentment from those who have more than you. Ignorance occurs when the poor have no chance of getting a decent education and thus become easy to manipulate into joining extremist organizations. The indoctrination of poor and ignorant people is considered easier than the indoctrination of educated and rich people. However, the truth is not so simple to explain. Many of those who subscribe to religious extremism are from middle-class backgrounds and have college degrees. So, if poverty and lack of education are not the only causes of religious extremism, then what are? The first is the search for a place where order reigns. Places like Pakistan and Syria are mired in chaos and corruption. The Islamist terrorist organization promises a strict order, guided by the laws of the sheri'a. The second reason is the desire for change. It has already been stated that these organizations not only oppose Western influences, but also governments considered corrupt and sympathetic to the West. Thus, potential adherents, not so poor or ignorant, are brainwashed into believing that overthrow of this corrupt system and change can only happen through violent action. Islamist extremists promise a new government that intrigues many. What can we do? Recognize that this is not a problem caused solely by lack of education or poverty. Remove the rhetoric from these groups that they promise better government or a better state. , which influences people the most. The media must stop portraying extremists as freedom fighters, as is often the case in Pakistan. Instead of the United States or Russia taking action individually, it is time to form an international force with maximum participation. many countries to destroy groups. Individuals who commit terrorist acts generally go through a period of radicalization which leads to their violent behavior, this process must be recognized by members of society and government. During the Soviet war in Afghanistan, the Pakistani army trained warriors militarily against the Soviet occupation alongside Al-Qaeda and other Western forces. Furthermore, Pakistani military chief General Ziaul Haq