
  • Essay / What is Literature - 2875

    Living in a technologically advanced society certainly has its advantages. Today we are fortunate to have the Internet, to deliver books directly to your home, and wireless portable e-books. Unfortunately, the days of going to the library to check out books and speaking with a librarian for help with research rarely come. This is why studying literature and researching topics is essential for us students. Literature can be described as a language. It has been expressed for centuries and in different countries and cultures. Literature is a work of art that has been spoken in different structures and for very different reasons. I believe that literature is also another way of seeing our historical past. Throughout history, society has been grateful to be exposed to different styles of literature; non-fiction, fiction, poems, plays, etc. Literature has a variety of styles; American literature, Irish literature, African-American literature, but also women's literature are just a few examples. I am charmed by women's literature, from Annie Bradstreet to Judy Blume. My goal is to show how women play a major role in the creation of great literature, as well as their existence in the works of art themselves. Unfortunately, for years, we women had no voice and our ideas were pushed aside. American editor Joan Goulianos wrote: "There is a rich and complex women's literature dating back to the Middle Ages, a literature composed of diaries, autobiographies... stories - a literature in which women wrote about their lives and about from which women and men today can gain insight into their own. I want to examine literary works and extract examples of the role of women; revealing power... middle of article......I believe it is essential to examine and observe the works of past authors. Learn more about the writers of certain historical eras, discover their work and understand why it is so crucial for society to master this information. It is important to know our past so that we can make a difference in our future. It is disappointing to think that at one time in our history, women were silenced. I couldn't even imagine American literature without the important place of women's literature. Our lives have changed because of women's history. June Burnett, editor of The Common Thread: Writings by Working-Class Women, wrote: “Identity is the cornerstone of a woman's morale. This is the key to his self-esteem and confidence. Her self-esteem is her strength and the last thing she gives up. »(Pg11) As women we took a stand and demanded our worth..