
  • Essay / Holocaust Death Camps - 1358

    Hitler became chancellor of Germany and he didn't like the Jewish people so he created death camps or more commonly called concentration camps and he and his followers killed approximately 5,860,129 Jews. People were thriving with a population of approximately 9,796,840 million before the Holocaust. After the Holocaust, approximately 3,936,711 people remained. It was a terrible time for the Jewish people. Most people were killed in death camps or concentration camps. The camps were Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, etc. There was also the Einsatzgruppe, a group of mobile exterminators who when around and murdered Jews. Concentration camp prisoners included Jews, gypsies, socialists and homosexuals. There were 20,000 such camps built and used during the Holocaust. When Hitler became chancellor and the Nazis took over, the Sturmabteilung, Schutzstaffel, police and local authorities built these camps in order to incarcerate opponents. The Schutzstaffel established larger camps in Berlin, Munich and Saxony. In 1934, the Schutzstaffel was the only organization capable of creating and managing these concentration camps. Lichtenburg was an all-female camp. The living conditions in these camps were really bad. Prisoners sometimes starved because it was during World War II. As the war raged, supplies were very limited. They were so crowded that they couldn't even have their own privacy. They slept on brick and wooden beds. People would also die from infection. The camps weren't even close to bathrooms. In some camps, they even experimented on the prisoners. The Schutzstaffel would not even disinfect its medical tools. Prisoners were getting STDs from... middle of paper... rope. It was the first time during the war that resistance fighters in an area under German control staged an uprising. This would result in the complete destruction of the ghetto. ยป (The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (April 19 - May 16, 1943)) I think the Holocaust was really bad. Hitler and his groups killed many people. He thought it was true because he said the Jews were polluting the German race. Well, for me, all Hitler could do right was give a speech. He was a very influential speaker. These concentration camps held prisoners who had not even done anything wrong and who now must either work, undergo experiments, or die. I don't understand why he killed more than just Jews. As I said before, he killed gypsies, homosexuals, etc. I always wondered if the United States had tried to do anything to help there, where the holocaust had an impact..