
  • Essay / Tax Framework in the Business System

    Corporate tax is calculated on both a high and low tax rate. Currently, the high rate is 25% and applies to non-commercial profits such as investment and rental income. The lowest is currently 12.5% ​​for commercial income. Due to the differences between income tax and capital gains tax as well as high and low corporate tax rates, it is essential to determine whether a transaction is carried out. It is crucial to establish whether a transaction is made, as this will determine the tax payable for the person liable and the amount of tax for the government. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay To check whether a trade is in progress, there are 6 badges of commerce which can be assessed to decide whether an activity constitutes a trade, also a there is a wide body of law on the subject which can serve as precedence, in the absence of a commercial transaction carried out the profit from this activity will not be subject to income tax but would be subject to capital gains tax at the current rate of 33% were applicable. "Given that business income is subject to income tax at marginal rates of 60% (including PRSI, USC and an additional 5% USC if you claim certain property reliefs) while tax on more -values ​​​​is payable at 33%, the distinction is very important” (Irish Tax Institute, 2017/2018) Taxation has existed for a long time, from “private” which dates from 1177 in Ireland which was levied on ships importing wine where a sample of one-ninth of said wine was retained for transportation For the use of kings, there were after all many formal engagements which required refreshment and libation In ancient Rome, for example, records were. held on the properties of each citizen and a wealth tax known as "tribute" was levied on each citizen in respect of properties owned echoes a similar, albeit very unwelcome, tax currently levied on households. Irish, the LPT local property tax was the forward-thinking Romans or our regressive government an argument for another day. Our tax framework has evolved and increased in complexity and basis over the intervening years. Before 1975, corporations were subject to income tax and corporate profits tax on income and capital gains tax on their gains. 1976 saw the introduction of a single corporation tax which included both taxable income and gains. These new provisions were provided for in the Corporation Tax Act 1976 which made the necessary changes to the legislation. This framework is based on common law and previous case law which provides precedents, cases heard in the Irish legal system and the decisions of those cases. binding presidents which must be followed in all subsequent cases. Our current tax regime for 2017/2018 is: Income Tax – up to 40% plus PRSI and USC on an individual's business income. Capital gains tax – 33% on gains from the disposal of other assets. Capital gains for businesses – also 33%. Corporate tax 25% on a company's investment income. Corporate tax 12.5% ​​on a company's commercial income. “Companies normally include capital gains in their profits for Corporation Tax (CT) purposes. However, where a company makes a capital gain from selling or transferring building land, it must pay CGT rather than CTon this added value." "In order to determine whether, in a given situation, a trade is carried on or not, it is determined by an examination of the facts of the particular case and by the interpretation of these facts in the context of the insignia of the commerce and jurisprudence in the matter to the extent that this applies. and professionals respectively Section 3 TCA97 defines the law as follows: "trade includes any trade, manufacturing venture or concern of a commercial nature. A royal commission was established in 1954 to establish the factors to be considered which would indicate". whether a trade was carried out or not. These factors became known as the "Insignia of Commerce". Goods and manufactured products are rarely purchased as an investment, taking the example of a market trader purchasing products from a wholesaler. A supplier who resells at a profit, for example buying 300 pears with the intention of selling them later that day, is not investing in the pears but trading in them. Antiques, classic cars, gold coins and rare wines would be considered investments and would not be considered a trade. Length of Possession Period A rapid purchase and sale of an item or asset after acquisition is a good indicator that a trade is taking place. For example, as above, the merchant will not want to keep their products for a long period of time because they will spoil and become worthless. Items purchased as an investment are generally useful for a few years for them to appreciate. It would be very easy to justify an item which you had in your possession for a considerable period of time and which you purchased for your personal use and which you dispose of would not be treated as a commercial profit. For example, a classic car that you have owned and disposed of for 15 years would not constitute a completed transaction. Frequency or number of transactions made by the same person. If a transaction is made one-off or very rarely, it will not be classified as an exchange. For example, change your car every 4 years when you sell your current vehicle and buy a new one, this cycle will repeat every 4 years. . In the case of the market trader, he would purchase a large volume of products from the wholesaler on a frequent basis, every week or every two weeks, and sell them at a profit over many transactions, which would constitute a trade. Additional work on the product. Under normal circumstances, if you buy something and resell it without doing anything about it, you are unlikely to trade, the market trader, even if he does not physically change the product, arranges it on his stand where it will be visible to all potentials. buyers. If you bought a car and replaced a faulty engine, had it spray painted, new tires, etc. to make it more attractive for purchase, this could possibly be interpreted as a trade. Circumstances responsible for the achievement. Selling an asset to raise money in emergency circumstances such as a hospital bill or to help pay for your child's college tuition or other unexpected expenses would not be considered a business enterprise but as an emergency sale of an investment. Likewise, if you received an inheritance of property that you did not want or need and youthen sell the property through a classified ad, this would not be considered a trade because you did not deliberately go and purchase the said property with the intention of selling it. for profit, if this were indeed the case, the commerce badge would apply. Realizing an inheritance for money is not the start of a business.Motif. The reason for why the transaction took place will help identify whether a transaction or other is in progress. The market trader who buys goods from the wholesaler with the intention of reselling them within a short time to make a profit and earn a living would clearly be engaged in trade, but if he purchased an antique with the intention of keeping it for personal enjoyment would be considered an investment. The above badges have been widely debated and, as such, have been the subject of legal hearings. Over the past few years, numerous cases have been heard and the resulting decisions have set precedent and are binding. , most cases will refer to previous case law to determine whether or not the operation is carried out. It is important not to rely exclusively on trade badges, as there are many complexities and situations in today's business environment, and a certain degree of practicality must also be considered. No single criterion is decisive for establishing a business. In Marson V Morton (1986) 59 TC 381 the judge revised the badges of commerce and expanded them by identifying the following issues. Has the taxpayer undertaken similar transactions? Is the transaction related to the taxpayer's business? How is it financed? Was the item normally the subject of a trade? Was the type of transaction in the exchange involving an item of this nature? Has work been carried out on the item with a view to its resale? Was it sold as it was purchased or divided into lots? Was the enjoyment, the pride of possession or the income resulting from it? What was the intention of the taxpayer when purchasing the item?The above is by no means an exhaustive list of all relevant issues and none of them is decisive in all cases. They provide guidance for reaching an appropriate conclusion. The following case law provides precedence and guidance on what does and does not constitute a transaction. The case of Marson v Morton, which tested the difference between capital and trading profits, concerned the purchase of land with planning permission, the intention was to retain the land as an investment, no income was generated by the land, after some time, thanks to an unsolicited offer, the land was sold, the transaction was very far from the normal activity of the taxpayer, he was a potato producer, the purchase was considered an investment, the sale therefore did not constitute a commercial profit, the transaction was deemed not to be an adventure in commerce. In Erichsen V Last 4 TC, Lord Justice Cotton defined trade as "where a person habitually does and undertakes to do a thing capable of producing a profit, and for the purpose of producing a profit he carries on a trade or a business. » The case concerned the Great Northern Telegraph Company of Copenhagen which was not resident in the United Kingdom. Eischen was the company's representative in England. The company owned 3 cables across the North Sea to Scotland and employed a number of people there. Also. The messages were collected in agreement with the Postmaster General who deducted the agreed commission and then delivered the messages to the company's operators who in turn”.