
  • Essay / Social media and its impact on society - 902

    Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms have become one of the central activities of human affairs. Used by people around the world to promote communication, social media gives everyone the opportunity to air their ideas and thoughts. The plethora of social platforms is a revolutionary invention that is changing the way people moderate and communicate with others in their daily lives. Although many people admire this revolutionary concept, it can be argued that it has a negative impact on society. Heavy use of social media can cause addiction, affect productivity, and also reduce the level of human interaction, leading to isolation. Social media is linked to many issues related to feminism and mental illness across anthropology, sociology, and psychology. Social media was created with the aim of helping the general population communicate with each other. these platforms also have other uses, but mainly for communication. However, because wearables and other communication devices are still connected to the Internet, it is becoming increasingly rare for people to have human interactions, such as meeting people face-to-face. In some cases, loneliness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and increased aggression are possible impacts of time spent on the Internet. Using social media exposes people, especially teenagers, to bullying and harassment. According to a study in the United Kingdom, social platforms such as Facebook cause anxiety and increased feelings of inadequacy. In this study, half of the respondents said that social media had changed their behavior and made them feel less confident in contrast to the success of their online friends...... middle of paper...... at the moment. A text becomes more sincere than a call or face-to-face interaction. This social change is caused by the materialization of innovation in society, that is to say the diffusion of innovations. The largest population of teenagers has easy access to these social media platforms and their numbers are growing exponentially. Social media platforms are revolutionary; it has impacted society on many different levels. Through anthropology, sociology, and psychology, the root causes of mental illness and feminism have been correlated to social media and its impact on society. Social media is a dominant platform used around the world, with many side effects. The harm caused by social media contrasts with the positive consequences, but with more emphasis on the repercussions due to the consequences that accompany social media..