
  • Essay / Types of Management Systems

    Table of ContentsSWOT AnalysisPEST AnalysisLiterature ReviewCRM RolesMc Kinsey 7S FrameworkThe Seven Interdependent ElementsSoftware ElementsMichael E PorterA proper workflow must be maintained for business operations to achieve organizational goals. Implementing a workflow management system (WFMS) is very important in managing today's interlocking IT business processes. The benefits of a workflow management system are improved communications, cost reduction, error mitigation, employee success, and competitive advantage. Customer Relationship Management System (CRMS) is another system necessary to maintain a good relationship with the customers of an organization. CRMS helps in gaining new customers, retaining old customers by keeping regular contact with customers and listening to their feedback. Websurfer Nepal Communication System Pvt Ltd is one of the leading renowned ISPs and NSPs of Nepal. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay The company was established in January 2001[1]. The company entered the market with Internet services like Wdsl, fiber optics, Wifi-Hotspots and network services like Intranet, VPN for ABBS banking and financial companies with many branches. The Internet user has two categories of customers, residential and professional. Wdsl is based on wireless technology, where the client-side CPE connects to the enterprise POD. Optical fiber technology is intended for long-distance, high-bandwidth data transfer, particularly suitable for dedicated enterprise Internet service. Wan, Intranet, VPN are technologies that connect many branches of an organization to the head office. Internet users have recently discovered Tvnet on the market, a technology based on coaxial cable, which carries both television and Internet signals on the same wire. Residential consumers benefit from the Tvnet service with the ability to watch a digital TV channel and access the Internet. By partnering with TV signal provider Sky Cable TV, a sister company of Internet users, it has brought various Tvnet packages to the market. Websurfer's main competitors, WorldLink, Vianet and Subisu, are aggressively attracting customers with cheap fiber optic Internet packages. Frequently updating high-speed packages at lower prices, generating customer enthusiasm and desire for high-speed Internet. Websurfer's Tvnet packages come in different speeds such as 3 Mbps, 6 Mbps and 12 Mbps with Full HD digital TV channels. Customers looking for another ISP seems to be Websurfer's major problem. The reasons are various, mainly after-sales technical support, service not provided within the time indicated by the customer and the new installation not being carried out faster, within the promised time frame. There is a fear of losing existing and potential customers. The problem scenario is the current workflow order, communication and coordination between functional departments such as sales and marketing, account, store and inventory, infrastructure and technical support. The marketing department sends a work order to the installation department without confirming customers. Marketing teams work under pressure, they must achieve sales objectives. The customer who requests Internet service packages and is not a real customer is also queued on the work order. It sometimes happens thataccounts do not prepare invoices on time, due to delays in marketing, customer package delivery and billing information. As a result, the technician could not reach the customer's home on time and the next day the customer did not receive a phone call or could not be contacted for a connection. The customer would start looking for another ISP that establishes a faster connection. Store & Inventory sometimes does not have enough stock of necessary routers, equipment and tools, which also interrupts the connection. Due to misinformation from the infrastructure department, sales and marketing are not aware of the network coverage and technical possibility of a Tvnet Internet connection. Marketing assures the customer of a new connection and the customers' order is canceled, which does not satisfy them. The most important service is technical support, where customers' Internet problems are analyzed, monitored and resolved on time. This unit is intended to maintain the quality of Internet service for customers. If customer problems are not resolved in time, there is concern that customers will become angry, dissatisfied, and may interrupt or terminate Internet service. The technical support team should talk properly with customers, listen to their problem, correctly diagnose whether the problem is with the customer's network segment or router. Incomplete work of the Infrastructure department also affects the quality of service to customers and technical support fails to resolve technical issues. Customers are experiencing internet connection from off-network coverage points which is technically incorrect and causing problems, causing problems for customers. Infrastructure service coordination, not delivered on time, leads to stress and confusion among the technical support team. The staff if not trained will not be able to resolve the issues in less time. The field technician is not able to satisfy the customer, he has to wait for a long time, defaming the name of the company. Customers will not be recommended to others and the company loses market share. An Internet user uses a Sure management system to retrieve customer information, connection date, expiration date and to escalate tickets. But it is more than 10 years old, is not user-friendly and does not integrate all operational departments. The means of communication are mainly telephone, possibly emails. The installation and field support service coordinates with all departments before sourcing a new Tvnet connection and field support. First of all, the order comes from sales and marketing, the installation department, before going to the field, must ensure that the customer actually wants to establish a TVnet connection, coordinate with the infrastructure if the customer is in the coverage area or not, he must ask the accounting department. for the invoice, it asks the inventory if enough routers and necessary equipment are available. Finally, if the connection has been established, it must coordinate with the technical support service to guarantee quality Internet service to customers. Here the installation department is under pressure, most of the time is spent in coordinating with all departments before going to customers. Tvnet connection and field support, if something goes wrong with any department, the connection cannot be done in time. And the customer is lost, this raises questions about quality of service and future sustainability of customers. The report reflects the connection failure forinternal reasons. Aggressive competing ISPs are taking advantage of this situation. They have a good marketing strategy of offering customers high-speed internet access at a lower price, connecting the internet to customers' homes faster, offering free internet packages on referral basis. Other ISPs win away customers with a good offer and less connection time. Company Analysis The company situation is analyzed based on the popular analysis method. SWOT Analysis1) Strength: Internet user's strengths are capital, reputation, large organization with 300 employees and maximum market share or number of customers2) Weakness: Internet user's weaknesses are coordination operational departments, poor strategy and management problems at functional level. 3) Opportunity: With the implementation of the new weakness improvement strategy, the company can win back more customers, thereby increasing its market share .4) Threats: ISP competitor like WorldLink, Vianet who offer quality internet service at lower prices.PEST Analysis1) Political: political instability is one of the main problems of the country.2) Environmental: a favorable environment for growth but strong competitors.3) Social: socially acceptable services, renowned company.4) Technical: Technically sound, ability to adopt new technologies.Literature reviewWorkflow management is an essential component of the organization modern, which executes critical business processes [2]. Business process management provides a clear view of business structure and automates low-level management, such as tracking work progress. [3] In order to remain competitive and grow, a company must optimize its processes to minimize inefficiencies, conserve resources, and ultimately increase revenue. Workflow automation is a concept that transforms existing business activities, roles and tasks from legacy, manual systems into a centralized automated structure. Business process management (BPM) is a discipline involving any combination of modeling, automation, execution, control, measurement and optimization of business activity flows, in support of business objectives. enterprise, covering systems, employees, customers and partners within and beyond company boundaries. [4]. The objective of the Workflow Process Analysis study of the Internet user, regarding the problem, provides an overview of the solutions which are the implementation of Workflow Management System (WFMS) and the system customer relationship management (CRMS) for the overall benefit of the company. Proposed Workflow Management System In this system, the order comes to the installation and field support department only through a series of other departments through a ticketing and approval process.1) The service department sales and marketing while customer survey sorts out a real Tvnet connection customer.2) Infrastructure department checks the network coverage if it is technically correct, approves and forwards the ticket to Account department. 3) Accounts approves the ticket, prepares the invoice and sends it to inventory. 4) Inventory provides router and required equipment, approves and finally forwards the ticket to the installation and field. Support.5) Installation and field support make an appointment with the customer and make the connection by mobilizing the technicians in time.6) Once the connection is successful, the ticket is approved and forwarded to technical support after -sales, which ensures with customers that the Internet service is good and the customer is satisfied, 1.