
  • Essay / Persuasive Bow Hunting Essay - 898

    That being said, this means that bow hunters have the first chance to take deer before rifle season. Early in the season, deer are generally relaxed and often stick to their routines, which allows us as bowhunters to employ tactics that won't work at other times of the season. the season. Hunting is usually done early in the morning or just before sunset. Most hunters are at their stands before sunrise, after settling in, the game is on! The waiting game can take a lot of patience, but once a deer arrives, waiting for the right moment is the final key. Since your best shot will be made with a stationary object, you will need to wait for the deer to stop briefly as it moves through the woods. You can let out a quick bleat to stop a deer in its tracks. Once stopped, let your trigger fire, watch your arrow and remember to follow it. Now, if you have done everything correctly, you should have your first deer. A trail of blood, hoof prints and broken branches can guide you to its location. It's best to mark and dress your deer where it lays, as it's usually easier to get it out of the woods and there won't be any question about when and where it was shot. I won't go into dressing a deer because there are YouTube videos that explain this better than I can..