
  • Essay / Depictions of Cinderella's Life as Examples of the Power of a Positive Attitude

    The story of Cinderella has been known for many years. It has been transmitted and told in different storylines, different time periods, with cultural twists and even changed endings. The Cinderella story is one of power. It's simple to say that the helpless little girl is once again rescued by her prince charming, but there has always been a different meaning behind this story. There is the message of a young girl who finds herself after living a life full of struggles. In all of the many depictions of Cinderella, the characters show how they overcame their suffering through their positive attitudes, good friends, and supportive love interests. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay People always say that it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude no matter what. This idea of ​​maintaining a positive attitude has always been taught and spread as part of society's culture. This topic has appeared everywhere in people's lives and even constantly influences people through films and novels. This can be seen in the development of Cinderella in the film adapted by Disney, which is exactly like the original fairy tale of the past: with an intertwining of dreams and beauty, and a kind and tough heart, which still shows Cinderella's attitude towards life like a rising sun from beginning to end. When she was bullied and hurt, she always remained firm in her heart and attitude and encouraged herself with just one sentence: "Have courage and be kind." Bruno Bettelheim assessed the role of Cinderella: “The obligation to preserve the best of one's past; cultivate your sense of morality; remaining true to your values ​​despite adversity; not letting yourself be overcome by the meanness or unkindness of others, all of this is so evident in “Cinderella”. The story of Cinderella undoubtedly confirms that a person with a positive attitude can always find reasons to persist in various adversities. A person's attitude will determine the outcome of things, and making a positive decision is the beginning of success, which is incisively and vividly reflected in the story of Cinderella. For positive people like Cinderella, every day is a new beginning. They are full of hope and enthusiasm for life, ready to face setbacks and constantly question themselves. A challenge many people face is the impact of a sad childhood, which hinders the development of a positive attitude. In the minds of successful people, there are no questions as uncertain as "Is this possible?" Can we do it? They believe they can and will do it. Such a determined and positive attitude comes from a confident and mature mindset. Sometimes the mature mentality comes from the influence of a sad childhood. Linda Austin said that the destruction of the family ends the peace of childhood and crosses the boundaries of the early stages of life, forcing children to advance their understanding of the world as a whole. However, late childhood is not an intrinsic organic growth; children mature by successfully adapting to what people call an "environment" and by building and repairing relationships. In the novel Cinder, sad and lonely childhood memories help Cinder grow and mature, and gain a positive attitude towards life and challenges. A sad childhood can help people shape a mature mindset and develop a positive attitude in acertain extent. However, whether to choose a positive attitude or a negative attitude towards life, the decision is up to the individual. In the story, Cinder - after her sad and lonely childhood - always chooses to live positively; she even helped many people with her positive attitude. These people with a mature mindset and positive attitude control everything; they choose to face whatever happens to them and suffer the consequences. They know and trust who they are. Positive attitudes are also influenced by self-exploration, self-awareness, and self-reflection. It's always easy when people talk about others. But when they try to understand themselves, explore themselves and reflect on themselves, it's like solving a puzzle. Thomas Cottle pointed out: “Psychoanalysts like Klein remind us that even fully mature people who choose to explore their psychic contents fiercely fight their own stated desires and intentions. They find it difficult to locate these roads, let alone travel them to their true being. They are afraid of disappointing someone, of being abandoned, of discovering that they are unintelligent or that they have not been loved or wanted, or that they themselves cannot love or be loved. It is undoubtedly difficult to understand yourself better, because once people have an inherent impression of themselves, it is difficult to change. Just like Mia in the movie ​The Princess Diaries​, she was unable to let go of her own original impression at first, which led her to refuse her new identity: a princess. Mia then overcame the difficulties. She understood herself, asserted herself and became positive. Cottle concluded: "It is the world turned on itself, the mud, so it is the world of self-exploration, of self-knowledge, of self-reflection and, most certainly, the world of personal attention to oneself and one's identity." As people learn more about themselves, their goals will become clearer and they will know how to achieve them. As they learn more about themselves, they also know how to improve their outlook on life and their values, which can help them acquire and consolidate positive attitudes. In Meyer's Cinder, because she is a cyborg, most people dislike her and treat her very badly, especially her foster family. However, good friends can help him overcome difficulties. This will result in a traumatic memory for Cinder due to her growing environment. Kertzer said: “First, when we talk about trauma, do we understand it to mean fear or suffering, or does it imply something worse? Second, if the trauma is the latter, what does this reveal about our perception of the world? Because Cinder is a cyborg, her foster family doesn't treat her very well and the others look down on her. These things will make him feel pain. According to Cinder, "she was a cyborg and she would never go to a ball." This is proof that people look down on Cinder and think she can't do anything. For example, I had a friend when I was in elementary school; her parents beat her because her grades were not good. Recently I heard something about her, that she never came home. I think my friend has a traumatic memory because of her family. Basically, Cinder has many good friends to help her through these challenges. For example, Iko is one of Cinder's friends and he helped her a lot. According to the book, "she hoped that Iko would return soon with her replacement." Because Cinder needs a new foot, Iko helps her find a new one that can replace herancient. Also, Iko knows that Cinder is a cyborg, but he treats her very well. In my opinion, good friends should help each other and ignore bad backgrounds, because people can't determine their family. Additionally, good friends should help each other overcome challenges. In the Disney film, Cinderella experiences the same situation with Cinder because both live with their in-laws. Especially for Cinderella, she had the right family before her father died. This psychological gap in his family is easy to cause trauma in his mind. However, she has the ability to communicate with animals who help her do tasks together, and she has a good friend, the Fairy Godmother, who helps her a lot. According to Walker, "the reconciliation of these philosophical and psychological definitions justifies the conclusion that positive mutual respect, mutual concern, and the willingness to act for the good of the other for the good of the other.the good of others are essential characteristics of friendship. For example, in the Disney movie ​Cinderella​, her stepmother asks her to do a lot of housework during the first few hours of the ball, which prevents her from going to the ball because she can sing songs to call her friends the animals, who helped her. let her do the housework together. They had a good time doing this cleaning. Even though they had finished cleaning, Cinderella still couldn't go to the ball because she didn't have a dress. However, the Fairy Godmother showed up and helped her get to the ball, giving her a dress, a pair of crystal shoes, and transportation. In the Disney movie ​Cinderella​, the biggest challenge is this dance and her friends help her go to the ball. Without her friends, she can't go to the ball and meet the princes, and she might not get a happy ending at the end of the story. Therefore, good friends know your needs and help you become a better person. Also, they can help you have a happy life. In Disney's interpretation of Cinderella, she is stuck in a house with a stepmother and stepsisters who treat her like a servant. Cinderella desperately wants to go to the ball so she too can meet the Prince. When Cinderella gets her wish to go to the ball with the help of her friends and her fairy godmother, she immediately thinks about meeting the Prince and the possibility of them falling in love. There is a certain rarity about Cinderella and the other girls who attend the ball. When she enters the room, she is able to captivate everyone's attention and even arouse jealousy among the crowd of women. Cinderella was able to meet the prince and dance with him until she had to return home when the clock struck midnight. The intercation that Cinderella had with the prince gave her hope. For so long, Cinderella had to live as if she were inferior to any other human being. As if she too did not have the right to live a fulfilled life and was worth more than what she lived believing. Although Cinderella fell in love with the Prince, he was also an opportunity for her to escape the terrible reality from which she could not free herself. When the prince is searching for the girl he met at the ball with the missing slipper, Cinderella is excited because this could be her chance at a new life. Her dreams are shattered when her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law do not even allow her to leave her room when the prince arrives. All of Cinderella's dreams were abruptly stopped and she knew that her family would always have strict control over her life. Eventually, the prince managed to convince Cinderella to come and try on the shoe, which fit her perfectly. Everything Cinderella Wished For Finally Became. 286–309.