
  • Essay / Essay on Tsar Nicholas in Animal Farm - 1453

    Tsar Nicholas is depicted in the novel Animal Farm by Mr. Jones, they have many things in common; they are both conservative, they don't see the need for change, they also don't understand that they lost control and power, and ultimately they had the same ending: a lonely death. Initially, the tsar was a conservative monarch; he was attached to ancient and primitive ideas; He was not interested in investing in new technologies. In describing his characteristics, “Nicholas was deeply conservative, a strong supporter of autocracy, and very religious” (Waldron). In the novel, it is proposed to introduce new technology: “The animals had never heard of anything of this kind before (for the farm was old-fashioned and had only the most primitive machinery)” (Orwell 35 ). This proves that the farm has no technology and Jones isn't worried about it; Showing a strong tendency to be conservative, just like Nicolas. Furthermore, during the 1905 revolution, Nicholas showed himself to be a king who could not accept changes and could not recognize what the people wanted. This is why he is described as “a determined man who knew what he thought and who clearly knew where his duty lay.” But he was stubborn and very slow to recognize the need for change. (Waldron). When a turning point came at Animal Farm, “Jones and his men suddenly found themselves punched and kicked from all sides. The situation was completely out of their control. (Orwell 15). Like Tsar Nicholas, Jones was unable to see the need for change just before the rebellion; He treats the situation as he always has, neglecting the animals' needs. Third, Tsar Nicholas did not want to see that he was losing power, he governed as an autocrat, even if he was no longer one. In the revolution...... middle of paper ......poléon about the windmill, Snowball is forced to flee the farm, never having the chance to return later, as Trotsky did exile. In conclusion, Trotsky and Snowball are very similar and it is clear that one represents the other; by their destiny, their characteristics and their achievements. Works Cited Waldron, Peter. “Nicholas II”. Encyclopedia of Russian History. 2004. Internet. 07/14/2014Taras, Ray. “Dictatorship of the proletariat”. Encyclopedia of Russian History. 2004. Web. 07/14/2014 “Leon Trotsky.” Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004. Internet. 07/14/2014 “Joseph Stalin”. Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004. Internet. 07/14/2014 Pringle, Robert W. "KGB." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., and Web. 07/14/2014Orwell, George. Animal farm. New York: Penguin Books, 1996. Print.