
  • Essay / Psychoanalysis: intersubjectivity, the third analytic and relational psychotherapy

    Table of contentsIntroductionPsychoanalytic theoryIntersubjectivityThe third analyticRelational psychoanalytic psychotherapyConclusionIntroduction There are many ways to conduct therapy. In this essay, I will begin by providing an overview of what psychoanalytic theory is and then discuss it critically. some ways of conducting therapy which are relational psychoanalytic psychotherapy, intersubjectivity and the analytical third party. I will also discuss how these concepts help the therapist work with clients. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get the original essayPsychoanalytic Theory Psychoanalytic theory was invented by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century, between 1939 and 1956. His theory was based on the idea that human behavior can be established through the interactions between the Id, the Superego and the Ego. He focused on finding ways to treat mental health issues by bridging the conscious and unconscious minds. Freud began psychoanalysis when he worked with his mentor, Dr. Josef Breuer, to try to diagnose and treat their patient Anna O. She had problems with hallucinations, speech problems, visual disturbances, etc. . His case was very important and led to the development of psychoanalysis. The word unconscious can be described as a person not being aware of their surroundings or surroundings. The unconscious expresses what we feel, our emotions and our thoughts. Psychoanalysis has a number of techniques that can be used to understand a person's behavior: dream analysis, free association, interpretation and transference. Dream analysis can be used to express unconscious thoughts. Free association is when clients talk about random things that come to mind and this technique helps with repressed memories. Interpretation occurs when the client and therapist have a conversation, and then the therapist looks for the client to make a mistake and reveal something important during that conversation. conversation. Transference occurs between the therapist and client, where the client expresses how they feel about a person from the past to the therapist. Psychoanalysis has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it gets to the root of the problem, gives us a broader view of why we feel this or that behavior, our behavior and our thoughts. This can sometimes help people who don't respond very well to conventional therapy. There is also research evidence that supports part of Freud's theory. There are criticisms about psychoanalytic theory is that it does not pay too much attention to the role of the environment and does not focus more on the sexual drive, it is very expensive and takes a lot of time, which requires total commitment and healing rates. are very weak.Intersubjectivity There are many definitions of intersubjectivity, a term introduced by Edmond Husserl which simply refers to an interaction between two subjects which may be me and another person. When we break the word down, inter refers to between or among, and then subjectivity refers to how an individual's judgment is based on their personal beliefs, opinions, feelings, and desires, as opposed to outside influences. Intersubjectivity is a concept that has been used extensively by researchers to discuss early means ofcommunication between an infant and its mother. Meltzoff and Moore proposed experiments to study the correspondence of movements between infants and mothers. They argue that infants respond better to movements or actions that match their own and that infants develop this at an earlier stage, around 6 weeks of age. Meltzoff (1985, 1990) argues that the correspondence of movements between the infant and the mother is a form of intersubjectivity. Christopher (2015) argues that several theorists used early studies of infant-parent communication to explain the analytic procedure in working with adults. In addition, the first type of interaction between mother and child plays an important role in nonverbal communication in adult therapy. Christopher (2015) argues that the analysand's inner state can be recorded by the analyst in the form of sensations, images, a confused state of mind, etc. According to Christopher (2015, p. 618), "the view of intersubjectivity as the interaction between verbal and non-verbal modes of communication between the patient and the analyst, as well as the interaction of transference and countertransference in the analytical couple, are a widely accepted notion. Benjamin (2005, 2010) argues that the mind cannot be understood as a separate unitary body and that the position of the analyst is not to help the affected person understand how their mind works. Auerbach (2001) argues that intersubjectivity theory holds that children only become independent subjects if they recognize the autonomous subjectivity of their caregiver – independence and separation in more familiar language. According to Povinelli and Prince (1998), the cognitive-affective capacity, which is also the final result of the evolutionary improvement of the human brain, allows an infant to in turn succeed in recognizing the mind of his parents and, in this recognition between the infant and the mother, this constitutes an intersubjective situation. The analytical third The analytical third is a concept invented by Thomas Ogden (1994) which refers to “the intersubjectivity of the analyst – analysand” (1994). He argued that the mother-child unity as well as the intersubjectivity of the analyst-analysand coexist in dynamic tension with the mother and child in their separation. According to Ogden (1994), “neither the intersubjectivity of the mother-child nor that of the analyst-analysand (as distinct psychological entities) exist in their pure form. Intersubjectivity and the subjective individual create, deny and preserve the other. Ogden (2001) argues that the experience of the analyst and analysand in the analytic third represents an experiential base, a reservoir of unconscious experiences to which analysts and analysand contribute and from which they draw on their own experience of the analytical relationship. Morton (2003) proposed that, like other types of unconscious, the third analytical derivatives of the conscious are metaphorically linked to unconscious material, which is disclosed and revealed in the process. Daydreams were Ogden's term for conscious derivatives. Daydreaming can be defined as the process or stage where one is lost in one's own thoughts, such as daydreaming for example. In this context, daydreaming was used to talk about a mother's ability to contain an infant's projections. Morton (2003) argues that the analyst and patient do not directly know the analytic third, and so they depend on metaphors to give them an idea of ​​what the unconscious is like. Analysts, depending on their personality and history, will experience the analytical third separately. Ogden (1994) argues that the analytical third influences the analyst's experience ofway to induce extremely private connections which nevertheless represent the nature of the intersubjective between the analyst and the patient. According to Morton (2003) “the analytical third cannot be described, because it does not exist in the domain of categories accessible to consciousness. The analyst must be able to talk to herself in order to carry out analytic work, that is, she must be able to talk about her feelings about herself, even if such experiences are unconscious. Project identification was also a dimension of the analytic third that made it possible to understand transference and countertransference and these terms also play a very important role in Ogden's theory or technique. Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Relational psychoanalysis was a term coined by Stephen A. Mitchell(1983) who wrote the book titled Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory which was considered an introduction to relational psychoanalysis with the help of Jay Greenberg who co -writes the book. He was considered one of the most influential relational psychoanalysts. According to Hoffman (2012), “relational psychoanalysis emphasizes the relationship with others, mutual recognition, the importance of early attachment, interpersonally mediated subjective experience, i.e. intersubjectivity”. In relational psychoanalysis, the mother-child relationship or the early stages of any relationship create personality. Social constructionism is a field closely related to relational psychoanalysis. Relational psychoanalysis is very different from Freud's psychoanalysis in several respects. Relational psychoanalysis maintains that the need to be in relationship with others is the motivation of the subconscious. Jon Mills, psychoanalyst, has criticized relational psychoanalysis. Mills obviously believes that the "paradigm shift" toward relational psychoanalysis is due not only to theoretical distinctions from classical psychoanalysis, but also to a certain group mentality and set of interests. He also mentions the fact that in relational psychoanalysis the importance of the unconscious is lost or disappears. Mills criticizes the relational analyst for never thinking fully about the contradictions, but instead uncritically adopting postmodern concepts. How do these concepts help the therapist work with clients? Through the concept of intersubjectivity, children are able to better reflect on their traumatic memories and experiences without being misregulated when in a therapeutic relationship, they ultimately develop the ability to tolerate increasing amounts of affect. . The child will reach a point where he or she will be able to self-regulate after a while. Intersubjectivity allowed, in therapy, children to make sense of their feelings and memories. This led to better parenting skills with clients and a better understanding of how children function. The analytic third also played a role in improving therapy, Ogden showed how therapists should avoid acting on countertransference and also provided a theoretical model for therapists to understand it. According to Ogden (1994) "the concept of the analytic third provides a framework of ideas about the interdependence of subject and object, transference and countertransference, which assists the analyst in his efforts to become interested in close and think about the myriad of things.” intersubjective clinical facts encountered by the analyst, whether the apparently egocentric ramblings of his mind, the analyst's bodily sensations which apparently have nothing to do with the analysand, or any other "object" analytical” generated intersubjectively by the analytical couple. " There.