
  • Essay / Bullet In The Brain by Tobias Wolff - 1132

    Everything is criticized on every level in this story, the people by the main character, the main character by the author and even the story by the author as well. Anders' cruel and selfish personality is definitely identifiable through these different levels of criticism. I will prove that the inner motivation for this behavior stems from Anders' selfish personality which sometimes makes him cruel to others, sometimes to himself. Furthermore, I will prove that whenever Anders criticizes someone or something, he is actually trying to punish them because of the imperfection of the object. To make it easier to refer to different parts of the story, I divide it into three parts. The first part ends when the robbers appear at the bank door, the second ends when one of the robbers shoots Anders and the left is the third part. First of all, if we look at the title, Bullet in the Brain, it is about an inanimate thing, the bullet, and not about the feeling of the person who dies from it, not even about the process which leads to this fatal event or people's reaction to it, no, that only says something connection with the little piece of metal. The author completely ignores Anders' emotions in the story by giving his work such a title. It can be said that it criticizes what the main character does and represents. In the first part, Anders' critical behavior is directed at others, a cashier and a crybaby. In the case of the cashier, it seems obvious to criticize her for her carelessness, but Andrers' remarks about the crying baby demonstrate an attitude that is a little too strict. The cashier is not doing her best to satisfy customers, so she deserves to be criticized, but the little baby is normally inexplicable when he cries. Anders wouldn't comment on the baby if he considered not only his own feelings but also the baby's feelings..