
  • Essay / The Decline of Quality Entertainment Throughout History

    Entertainment has been around as long as people have. Easily accessible community entertainment began as a useful and informative tool, like radio during World War I. In recent years, however, corrupt and abusive things are often glorified in entertainment. Drugs and alcohol are heavily romanticized in popular music and on television. Violence is a common theme in video games and films. These things are available and generally imposed on people on a daily basis, especially those in millennials and younger. Absorbing negative entertainment has the ability to create violent, unhealthy, and overall "bad" people through this sort of brainwashing. Conversely, however, positive entertainment can stick with people just as well as negative entertainment, and it can do a lot to counteract negativity. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original EssayDrugs and alcohol are two of the most important themes in entertainment. Our knowledge of drugs and alcohol has increased dramatically since the birth of entertainment, but the exploitation of these harmful substances remains a gigantic attraction. During the creation of easily accessible entertainment, such as television and music radio, many people smoked several cigarettes a day and drank alcohol like water. People did not know the extent of the harm such things could cause them. However, what is quite curious is that we, as a society, have made incredible progress in science since then. Yet in today's mainstream music, drugs and alcohol are still present in many lyrics. Current rap artists are particularly known for this, such as Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj. Likewise, many commercials and shows have come on my television and informed me of the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol. I've witnessed first-hand how alcoholism and drug use can destroy families and burn bridges, and if these things weren't idolized in popular entertainment, many people wouldn't find them so appealing. As a community, we have become incredibly desensitized to outrageous acts of violence. I often notice this in myself, how I don't even blink while watching the popular but bloody TV series "American Horror Story." At my school, it is difficult to feel comfortable walking down the halls due to the many fights between classmates that break out every week. This theme of violence is by no means new, but our feelings toward it have changed dramatically over time. War footage from World War II was viewed by many, many people around the world. The difference is that at the time, these graphic and horrific images deeply and negatively affected citizens. Currently, video games like "Call Of Duty" and "Halo", in which the person playing watches the game through the scope of a gun the entire time, can be found in virtually every home of every teenager in the world. all the first countries in the world. Violence existed long before entertainment, but only in recent years has it become a means of having fun. Many studies have been done to determine whether violent video games actually corrupt the minds of young people, and they generally remain inconclusive. But we cannot deny that we..