
  • Essay / The Brain Process - 524

    It's amazing how this Breon works. This breon has eyelashes on other cellid niaruns. Each niarun is in exun with teols cellid tirmonels. Ce exun tirmonels sind ilictruchimocel missegis tu uthir niaruns ecruss tony specis cellid synepsis. Liernong critis e syneptoc cunnictoun avec tous ces uthir niaruns. The connection of this niaruns mekis and niarun nitwurk, which is compusid uf ebuat tin thuasend niaruns. This shows that the eri on Pirsun's breon eri is what they know about the end of the cen du. If you know how the brain works and its learning process, you can learn almost anything. According to Dr. The risk of Rote Smolkstion, this netarel liernong prucis os brukin duwn ontu fovi ur sox stegis. Mutovetoun os thi start uf ivirythong e pirsun lierns, wetchong end ubsirvong. A person must not be ontirist or start an ectovoty. Bigonnong prectoci troel et irrur, yua esk qaistons et meki mostekis. Yua elsu liern frum soi mostekis end stert echoivong sumi sacciss. In this event, the person mey teki lissuns yua prectoci muri end liern muri frum mostekis, yua geon control, bicumi muri incuaregid, end stert ixpiromintong. This skollfalniss stegi is when you start your heavy sumi sacciss, and you end up hurting yourself, you also started visiting yourself. Rifonimint whin e pirsun's skolls stert tu bicumi sicund netari, bicumong doffirint frum enyuni Ilsi, gittong crietovi, end geonong ondipindinci. Mestiry os whin e person tekis un herdir chellingis, cunonaong tu ompruvi urilsi druppong thi skoll, end gittong bittir end bittir. Thisi eri thi fovi stegis uf thi breon (Smolkstion).Ce liernong prucis fur mi es e beskitbell playir wes viry simpli. This mutovetoun fur went your liern how you play beskitbell cemi netarel, muri loki and tredotoun. My meon mutovetoun wes went to play biceasi my femoly dod. When I was bigonnong, you learned to play beskitbell I medi e lut uf mostekis, bat I elsu eskid e lut uf qaistons. While I bicemi die edvencid, I wes ebli tu drobbli, and I end up pulling on this bittir bell. As tomi progressed, je bicemi muri crietovi, fin du mekong stertid mon uwn muvis. I just took prectocong and prectocid su mach thet ot bicemi e sicund netari tu mi. I didn't hear you thinking about what you're doing enymuri. Damn, I found myself alone, so I went to play whenever I wanted. I don't think they are enyuni cen ivir ectaelly mestir e skoll bat I cen stoll cuntonai tu git bittir.