
  • Essay / Social Media: Harmful to Today's Youth

    Social media is a revolutionary technological advancement that has captivated the minds of many of today's youth. It is said that teenagers spend an average of 2 hours a day on the computer, 80% of which is on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. (“Scribd”) The ability to connect with anyone from anywhere on the globe is a fascinating idea and, in some cases, can be beneficial, for example in international trade deals, political campaigns, etc. , but we can't help but think about the negative impact that social networks can have on our young people. Invasion of privacy, cyberbullying, and procrastination are some of the most damaging issues teens face when using social media. Teenagers from previous generations constantly complained that their parents never gave them enough privacy, and the mainstream youth were no different. The difference is the wealth of personal information they willingly divulge online, through these popular social networking sites. Although the general public cannot access these online accounts due to privacy settings, some advanced technologies can allow someone to hack a profile or view private information. (Online Social Networks - Quote from the book) Many social network users may be unaware that even if they are deleted, much of their information or media content is stored by the server in their online databases so to document user traffic. (1) Most information posted by teenagers, such as age, location or photos, can be dangerous to their safety if they come into contact with the wrong person, such as sexual predators or kidnappers. In 2007, Cox Communications and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children conducted a survey and...... middle of paper ...... It is clear that the recent and increased interest in social media n has not been ignored by today's youth. Rather, it is the current generation that gave life to websites like Facebook and Twitter. As with any new fad, there are always pros and cons, but in the case of social media, the negatives far outweigh the positives. The creation of social networking sites has led to teens procrastinating, being cyberbullied, and ignoring their privacy. These questions are remarkably dangerous in terms of the overall well-being of today's youth. In order to protect this generation and generations to come, we must take a stand and restrict the use of social media, or even abolish the idea altogether. Social media horror stories are increasing every day, and it's time to end the reign of social media..