
  • Essay / How the Catholic Church resisted the Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages were a long period. It started around A.D. 500 and ended around A.D. 1500. Few things can last that long, but at least one thing could, and that was the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church consists of popes, bishops, clergy, and monks, and nuns were also part of the Church. Also in the Middle Ages, it also produced many great philosophers (Funk & Wagnall's, 275). From the Middle Ages to the 13th century, the Church played an important role as authority and influence. The Catholic Church resisted thanks to the power of the Pope, the policies of Pope Gregory and the Church was part of the daily lives of citizens. In the Middle Ages, the houses of the poor and the rich were often similar, except for the rich because they could occupy all their floors of the house. Their belongings would be on the first floor, living quarters on the second, and servants' quarters on the third. If their family was poor, they might have several families living under one roof, which made the house very cluttered (Gies, 243). In the village, the only stone building was the church. The entire village was mostly made of sticks, mud, and similar items. Churches were built and financed by the people (thinkquest). It was a beautiful centerpiece of a city. Inside the church you will not find any kind of warmth. Many people came with hand warmers, as the church was often cool all year round. The churches also had no pews for people to sit on; they had to bring their own chairs. The church was a public building in which the economic life of the city often took place around the city church (Gies, 291). The church offered services to the poor, care for the sick, the helpless and travelers (Frem...... middle of paper ...... new heights. Christendom took up arms to reconquer Jerusalem, it was encouraged by soldiers, monks, popes and others. "The Church encouraged uniformity during the Crusades and efforts to reconquer territories lost to militant and excited Islamic powers" (Funk & Wagnall's). ).The Roman Catholic Church went through difficult times in the Middle Ages, but it held on. Each member played an important role in the Church. They had to believe strongly in the Church. Pope Gregory created policies and strengthened many parts of the Church. Each Pope had the power to influence the ruling kings and the Church hierarchy. The Church could have died. Catholicism resisted the Middle Ages thanks to the people and events that took place there..