
  • Essay / Reasons That Made Children a Target of Bullying at School

    Table of ContentsGeneral Strain TheoryRelationship Between General Strain Theory and DataConclusionGeneral Strain Theory states that individuals who experience more strain or stress in their lives, feel angry or discouraged and have negative emotions because of their strains, are more likely to engage in bad or criminal behavior (Agnew, 1992). Although the issue of bullying has been studied more often in recent years, it is difficult to determine what causes children to become so aggressive towards other children and become bullies. It seems obvious that many children are bullies because of underlying issues they have within themselves. Agnew (1992) points out that children's negative relationships with other people such as their parents, guardians, siblings, peers and people with whom they interact on a daily basis or the positive relationships they have with deviant friends can put pressure on a child. to delinquent behavior, such as harassment. The number of bullying incidents has become even more prevalent in recent years due to the availability of more places to bully others. For example, children can now bully at school, outside of school, online or via their cell phones, allowing the bully to abuse their victim(s) at any time . Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get the original essayGeneral Theory of ConstraintsThe General Theory of Constraints evolved from the models of constraint theories developed by Merton (1938), Cohen (1938). 1955) and Cloward and Ohlin (1960) and was developed by Agnew throughout the 1980s (Agnew, 1992). To fully understand general constraint theory and what it relates to, it is important to understand control theory and differential association/social learning theory. Agnew (1992) states that all of these theories are sociological theories and that they explain crime and delinquency through the individual's relationships in society. General strain theory is distinguished from social control and differential association in its description of the relationship that leads to delinquency and incitement to crime (Agnew, 1992). Agnew (1992) stated that although control theory and differential association theory also focus on relationships, general distortion theory has broadened its focus to examine the negative stimuli presented by relationship with others . The main aspect of general distortion theory is that it focuses on negative relationships with others (Agnew, 1992). Agnew (1992) explains that there are three main types of tension “each referring to a different type of negative relationship with others. Other individuals may prevent one from achieving positively valued goals, remove or threaten to remove positively valued stimuli one possesses, or present or threaten to present harmful or negatively valued stimuli” (p. 50). Strain theory argues that delinquency is caused by the pressure of negative emotions and that these emotions can lead the child to use crime to achieve goals, become delinquent to escape negativity, or use drugs to cope. get rid of negative emotions (Agnew, 1992). Bullying is often a response to stressful situations and/or tension and many children resort to it because bullying allows them to express theiranger or animosity towards others. Agnew (1992) states that general strain theory proposes that a number of conditioning factors, such as poverty, abuse, living conditions, aggression or violence, determine which children are most likely to commit crimes or deviant behavior in response to tension. Tension makes people angry, worried, frustrated, depressed, anxious and miserable. These bad feelings create pressure and problems that a person must get rid of somehow. There is no doubt that bullying others, whether in person or online, is a practice that uptight young people might engage in to let go of their negative feelings. Teasing, taunting, belittling, and tormenting other children gives the bully a sense of power and authority. Shetgiri, Lin, Avila, and Flores (2012) found that education level, family income, and family structure were strongly associated with bullying. Shetgiri et al. (2012) also stated that poverty, abuse - whether psychological or physical - bad neighborhoods and witnessing domestic violence are huge conditioning factors that can easily lead a child to become a bully. a lot of stress, which can cause them to lash out. Poverty, like many other stresses, can lead a child to lash out at others to escape or to feel more powerful. Shetgiri et al. (2012) noted that “children living in poverty were almost twice as likely to be bullies” (p. 2282). Similarly, Chaux, Molano, and Podlesky (2009) found the same thing, stating that children living in a poor socioeconomic family are at higher risk of becoming bullies. Due to poverty, children may have low self-esteem, which can lead them to react quickly and negatively toward other children by hurting the victim emotionally, mentally, or physically. Woolley, Grogan-Kaylor, Gilster, Karb, Gant, Reischl, and Alaimo (2008) state that poverty generally implies that a person lives in a rundown, violent, or unsafe neighborhood or environment. Poverty and witnessing violence or hostility are closely linked, because having low income means living in a low-income neighborhood and not being able to be part of a privileged society. This all goes back to the general tension theory, because because of the neighborhood, poverty then allows a child to see violence like fights, gang rivalries, shootings, burglaries, etc. and then places violence in that child’s brain as a “normal” phenomenon. line. The child then bullies in response to neighborhood stress and witnessing the violence. Chaux et al. (2009) argued that there is a significant relationship between exposure to community violence and aggressive behavior mediated by normal beliefs supporting aggression. This means that the child witnesses aggression most often and considers it ordinary. Seeing constant aggression and violence has an influence on their lives and also causes them to be destructive and forceful. Also reported by Chaux et al. (2009), it is likely that children who witness violence in their community or neighborhood learn that aggression, including bullying, is a means by which the child can achieve some sort of personal goal and gain power or status. Negative emotions, such as rage and irritation, caused by violence in children are linked to general tension theory and how these emotions lead to crime. In addition to thepoverty and neighborhood influences, family has a significant impact on the way a person acts and lives their life. Different difficulties, such as being ridiculed, yelled at, or even the child being bullied, can cause that child to react in a destructive way. Moon, Hwang, and McCluskey (2011) explained that children who experience higher levels of family conflict, punishment from parents, or criminal victimization are more likely to bully other children. As Agnew (1992) clarified, negative relationships and the persistence of these relationships lead to delinquency due to lack of attachment. Children who experience, have experienced, or have witnessed violence tend to have many more problems throughout their lives. This relates to witnessing violence in the community, as it is the same concept of seeing violence as normal. For example, Mustanoja, Luukkonen, Hakko, Räsänen, Säävälä, and Riala (2011) found that there is a link between domestic violence and a child's propensity to bully others. Mustanoja et al. (2011) also suggest that there is a vicious cycle of violence that begins at home and leads an individual to be depressed, have low self-esteem, or become assertive toward their peers. Witnessing domestic violence can be very problematic for children and the way they grow up. General strain theory holds that when children cannot escape painful situations, such as domestic violence, it can lead them to a life of delinquent acts (Agnew, 1992). A child is supposed to see love and happiness in his home, not pain and violence. Constantly watching parents fight can lead a child to think that fighting is okay, that power is important, that verbal abuse is necessary, and that brutality is the answer. Regularly witnessing such horrific events, such as domestic violence or abuse, can make a child angry and snap. Frisén, Jonsson, and Persson (2007) explained that children and adolescents who bully share many characteristics of aggressive children, including a hot temper, a less fortunate family, and a view of relationships that values ​​aggression and bullying as way to gain power. Many children exposed to domestic violence are more likely to be aggressive and physical, primarily because of what they have learned from the people around them who they care about most. Bowes, Arseneault, Maughan, Taylor, Caspi, and Moffitt (2009) found in their study that children who witnessed family violence were at increased risk of being bullies. Parents do not always understand how their actions affect their children and they may believe that their violence will have no impact. However, it is clear that parental actions within the home are important factors when it comes to what a child believes to be right or wrong. Witnessing domestic violence in the home is a major problem, as is parental attachment and the way the parent behaves towards the child. like they often show anger or love. Referring to general strain theory, Agnew (1992) states that "delinquency is more likely when the adolescent is not attached to parents, school or other institutions or when parents or others fail to effectively monitor and sanction deviance” (p. 49). Neglecting a child or failing to show affection or positive emotions is considered a form of psychological abuse. Messman-Moore and Coates (2007) found that child victims ofemotional abuse can get away with being more controlling, dictated or insensitive. They may also respond to abuse with distrust or abuse toward others. Shetgiri et al. (2012) stated that parents' perception of anger and the way they act towards their child are associated with higher risks of the child becoming a bully. In other words, having a parent who is constantly angry can cause a child to become a bully due to a low sense of acceptance and love. Additionally, Shetgiri et al. (2012) went on to argue that children whose parents were frequently angry with their child and often felt like their child bothered them a lot were more than twice as likely to become a bully. To relate this to general strain theory, Agnew (1992) explains that a child who is treated unfairly by his or her parents is more likely to do the same to his or her peers. It is obvious that children are often born “by accident” and it is sad when a parent does not want their child and shows it through constant psychological violence. Adolescence is an extremely important period in a child's life and one must provide him with warmth and attention so that he grows up with the right emotions and the right thought processes are inculcated in his brain. Parents are role models for a child and it is important that they promote positive reinforcement so that the child understands the correct way to behave. Besides parental warmth and emotional abuse, physical abuse is another major factor when it comes to adolescent bullying. Patterson (2005) found that when a child is physically abused, it can cause problems in that child, such as depression or anger. Espelage, Bosworth, and Simon (2000) noted that physical discipline within the family was closely related to bullying.Espelage et al. (2000) also found that students who reported that they would be physically disciplined if they broke a rule at home were more likely to participate in bullying. According to Patterson (2005), repeated long-term abuse can be a chronic stressor that causes a lot of strain on a child and can lead them to become a bully. For example, a child who is continually spanked may become angry and violent toward other children. Child abuse and neglect relates to general strain theory because the negative emotions caused by child abuse lead to delinquency and aggression (Agnew, 1992). Being physically abused can lead a child to think that abuse is normal or a way to communicate with someone. Physical abuse can have a huge mental impact on a child and push them toward a deviant life (Bowes et al. (2009). Stacks, Oshio, Gerard, and Roe (2009) argue that punishing children is associated with negative behaviors of a child, that this may lead to a child being antisocial or more aggressive, and that the child may be more likely to have poor mental health as a result of the abuse. This relates to the study carried out. by Mohapatra, Irving, Paglia-Boak, Wekerle, Adlaf, and Rehm (2010), as the study focused on maltreatment and whether children are more likely to become bullies Mohapatra et al. were very likely to become bullies Involvement of child protective services within a family usually indicates that there have been forms of abuse or neglect of one or more children. an important item and should never be left.