
  • Essay / A Rose for Emily - 1615

    What is atmosphere? It is the use of dust and moonlight, curtains and trailing robes. The atmosphere is the character who is not human, the description of the place and the atmosphere, all the points of the story which are not directly the product of the characters in the story or poem. In William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily," the atmosphere seems more powerful than the story's hastily sketched characters. This is also evident in the famous poems 'She Walks in Beauty' by Byron and 'Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer Day?'' by Shakespeare. Note that even the titles of these poems refer more to the environment of the love object in the title, rather than the object itself. "A Rose for Emily" begins as a reminiscence and ends as a horror story. emphasis... There is a brief reference to the townspeople, then Faulkner turns to the late Emily's house with a clearly appreciated description. It was like a large, square frame house that had once been white, ornate. of domes, spiers and scrolled balconies in the heavy light of a 70s style...a horror among horrors [Quoted in DiYanni, 2007, p. 79]. the house than to mark the death of its eccentric owner Even the title of Shakespeare “Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? » seems to refer more to the day than to “You”. He goes on to exclaim of the delights of “the darling buds of May and the changing course of nature uncut.” .' [Quoted in DiYanni, 2007, p. 874]. The immortality of her loves does not lie in her character, but in the fact that her beauty combines with the nature of the day. Similarly, Byron opens his famous love poem with the line "She walks in beauty as the night / from ...... middle of paper ...... are you for a summer's day" is less atmospheric [a little more sexually ambiguous - is he admiring a young girl or a young boy?], but remains clear in his desire to have someone who possesses the features of a sunny summer day, Byron brings up the rear in these ambient works it is a short moment of happiness; poem. Yet he chains his love to the night and the mystery of darkness. One more shadow, one less ray, had half altered the nameless grace, these waves in each raven, or gently lightened her face [quoted in; DiYanni, 2007, p. 1111; 1112].Notice that the unnamed woman has black hair, a subtle reference to the atmosphere of the night.What else do these works have in common beyond their literary talent? the slight doubt in the case of Shakespeare]. They constitute an interesting window into the opinions of the female sex in particular periods of history..