
  • Essay / Common good and Christian ethics: an analysis of...

    I will endeavor to do the same, except when the laws of God contrast with the laws of society; in such a case, I will obey the laws of God. (25) Excerpt “There are different types of ethics: deontological, teleological and contextual ethics. They can be defined as ethics oriented towards principles, towards the social, towards responsibility or towards the context” (p. 11). Source: bookAdditive I discovered additive information in this excerpt and this material reinforces concepts learned in some core 4 and 5 courses at the Oxford Graduate School.Contextualization This material provided a better understanding of the distinctions between the three main types of ethics. In particular, responsibility type ethics which was addressed by H. Richard Niebuhr and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. 26) ExcerptAristotle held that ethics “should aim at what is good. Good is happiness for him. He exhorts us to choose what is beautiful, what is beneficial, and what is pleasant, and to avoid what is shameful, harmful, and painful” (p. 12). Source: bookAdditive This material adds to my understanding of ethics and aligns with my worldview that ethics should embrace what is good versus what is