
  • Essay / The critical importance of tackling climate change

    Over the years, climate change has been discussed in articles, on news channels and has even been a subject in films. Due to the burning of fossil fuels, global warming has become even worse and has become a threat to all life on Earth. Since this problem emerged, many Americans have wondered whether this is a huge problem that requires immediate action or simply a hoax that our Earth is slowly dying. In the article “Understanding Thinking Fallacies to Combat Climate Change” by George Marshall, the author talks about the need to make sacrifices now in order to prevent problems from spiraling out of control in the future. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayHowever, in the essay "Global Warming Is Quite Pleasant" by Patrick J. Egan and Megan Mullin, they talk about how Americans resemble the idea of ​​global warming due to less cold winters and less hot summers. I believe it is important that not only Americans, but people in general, emphasize the importance of fighting climate change. When looking at the different factors that can be affected, precautions must be taken to ensure that the different situations that occur do not escalate quickly. By looking at people's different viewpoints, we see the seriousness and opinions they have towards the issue of global warming. Broadening the idea of ​​climate change can make others aware of the seriousness of the problem. This can help raise awareness of the major consequences and effects it has on life. For example, since climate change occurred, droughts have occurred in different regions. According to Richard Wike's study "What the world thinks about climate change charts", there have been "59% droughts or water shortages" in Latin America alone and 44% globally . This includes other regions like Africa, Asia and the United States. With these droughts, wildfires can occur, destroying the homes of people and animals, forcing them to move away from their surroundings. Not only has climate change caused droughts, but it has also caused sea levels to rise. Because of this, more flooding can occur on land and agricultural soils can become contaminated because of the salt present in the oceans. Additionally, it can destroy the habitats of fish and other aquatic plants. With this knowledge, humanity can act and find ways to prevent these disasters from getting worse and save all life on Earth. Spreading the message about climate change can be more convincing in different forms. Like in movies and books. In the article “Why are climate change documents so boring?” Because it works » Sarah Kollmorgen explains the benefits of watching post-apocalyptic films to better teach others about what is to come. Films like The Morning After talk about natural disasters caused by climate change. When moviegoers watched the film, it left them very concerned and even pushed them to take "eco-friendly actions." This shows how a simple, yet compelling film can have an effect on others, allowing them to believe in the outcome of a catastrophic event. Also, another example of a film that can teach the effects of change well.