
  • Essay / A Comparative Analysis of Johnny Tremain's Book and Movie

    The books and movies are different and similar in many ways. This book had many reading and entertainment purposes. Reading this book would probably have an educational purpose. The movie was very entertaining though. The Johnny Tremain Book is both a book and a movie that shows how books and movies can be very different. Johnny Tremain's book and the movie were very different due to the events, timeline, and characters. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay. First, to show that the book and the movie are different, these are the events. The Battle of Lexington was a different event. In the movie, many things were different, such as Johnny's presence, Johnny's hand was repaired, there were only seven men at the battle, and Rab was shot during the battle. A quote to support this hypothesis is: “It's true, Rab was dead. » (Forbes 322) This quote shows that Rab was dead in the book, but in the movie, he is not dead. Another event is the Boston Tea Party. The film showed the men and boys dressed as Indians and participating in the Tea Party. This is a quote from the book to prove my statement: “How many other boys could you find for night work? » Strong, trustworthy boys – because if a cup of tea is stolen it all becomes theft – not a protest? Rab thought. (Forbes 149) This shows that Rab was gathering boys for that night, not men like the film had shown. The final difference in events is Johnny's accident. In the film, Mrs. Lapham causes her accident, which is different from the book. The quote from the book that may support this hypothesis is: "Johnny did not see Dove standing on a stool, reaching far back and carefully pulling out a cracked crucible." (Forbes 41) This shows that Dove gave him the cracked crucible so he wouldn't waste it, not Mrs. Lapham. So many events were different between the book and the movie that one of the few things that was actually the same was that they happened at all. Not exactly the way they happened in the book, but they happened. Another thing that shows the differences is the timeline. The timeline was different between the book and the movie due to the skipped introduction, when Johnny meets Rab and when Johnny got his hand repaired. First, there's the skipped intro. In the movie, it all starts when Mr. Lyte orders a sugar bowl. In Johnny Tremain's book, the first 16 pages were the introduction to all the characters. Next was when Johnny met Rab. In the movie, Johnny met Rab while looking for Rab at the print shop. A quote to show that Johnny did not meet Rab at this time is: "While he was talking to Rab, (the boy told him that was his name). » (Forbes 60) This quote shows that Rab had met Johnny much later in the book. than in the film. Finally, it was when Johnny got his hand repaired. Johnny had his hand treated much earlier in the movie than in the book. In the movie, he had it repaired before Rab went to war. A quote to support this statement is: “Yes, I believe you can. You walk in the fresh air while I prepare my instruments” (Forbes 316) This shows that Johnny had his hand repaired much later in Johnny Tremain's book than in the movie. Even though there were many differences in the timeline, there were some similarities, like when Johnny was arrested. This.