
  • Essay / How Baseball Was Changed by Jackie Robinson - 1425

    How Baseball Was Changed by Jackie RobinsonJackie Robinson changed baseball in America in the 1940s by breaking the segregation barrier that was imposed on baseball. Robinson played in the Negro League for the Kansas City Monarchs. In 1945, Branch Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers negotiated a contract with Robinson that would bring Robinson to the major leagues in 1947. Baseball was segregated due to racial intolerance, economic factors, and other complex reasons. The major leagues rented their stadiums to Negro League teams when their own team was on the road. For example, if the Brooklyn Dodgers were on the road, they would rent their stadium to the Kansas City Monarchs. Major League team owners also knew that if they entered the Majors, the Negro League would lose its best players and the Negro League would be lost. In addition, the Majors would lose significant revenue. Branch Rickey had worked in baseball his entire life. He was a player, coach, manager and team owner for over sixty years. Branch Rickey was named to the Baseball Hall of Fame and his plaque mentions his signature of Jackie Robinson. Branch Rickey chose Robinson because he knew he would be able to take all the abuse and keep his cool. Plus, he knew Robinson was an exceptional baseball player. Branch Rickey has always wanted to join baseball since the start of his career. Rickey was looking for a strong person who could withstand public attention, avoid confrontation, as well as a talented baseball player. Rickey set his sights on Robinson because he has experience integrating other sports. Robinson attended UCLA and competed in four other sports. Branch Rickey met Robinson in August 1945 after exploring the Negro League... middle of paper ...... attracted more minorities to the game. According to a study by the Racial and Gender Report Card of the University of Central Florida, 9.1 percent of Major League Baseball players are African American (Gonzalez). This figure has not exceeded 15% over the past 20 years. Albert Pujols said, “Baseball was a way for him to be able to do that, and he had a special talent for getting through what he did while leading by example. for others. You cannot replace it. » Jackie Robinson changed the way Americans viewed baseball. He also broke a huge barrier in American history. Robinson helped eliminate segregation. He is also one of the most respected men in baseball history. Not only a wonderful baseball player, but also a wonderful man who has been through so much and helped pave the way for current and future African American baseball players..