
  • Essay / It's time to accept CBD as a replacement for traditional treatment

    Table of contentsEffects of CBDThe use of therapeutic cannabis remains controversialThe use of CBDThe benefits of CBDCBD is a shortened form of the expression "cannabidiol ". This atom is one of the many cannabinoids (around two hundred, according to the World Health Organization) present in hemp, also called cannabis. Rather than the plant's most well-known dynamic element, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD "is another atom in hemp that doesn't have a surprising impact." Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayIn its natural state, some varieties of the plant are higher in CBD, others in THC. Cannabis in drug form, therefore illegal, generally contains around 15% THC, a figure that has been steadily increasing since the 1990s. So-called “therapeutic” cannabis, authorized in certain countries and American states, simply contains a little more THC. than “street” cannabis. Discovered in 1963, CBD is the subject of a powerful fashion effect in 2018: in just a few months, dozens of specialized stores have been opened across France, which have found a legal “loophole” in selling products containing very little THC, but a concentration of cannabidiol. The effects that CBD provides CBD, whether in the form of flower, oil or food, does not have a narcotic effect on the consumer. In other words, no “stoned” effect similar to that provided by THC. However, “studies suggest that it could block the addictive effects of certain drugs of abuse”, “modulate anxiety levels [...] and reduce certain stress responses”. Currently, the data remains very conflicting regarding the effects of CBD on the body. dopaminergic system", that is to say the "reward circuit". According to her, if it turns out that CBD produces a release of dopamine - and that the deepening of all the scientific knowledge on its effects psychoactive substances corroborates this - it could then be considered astonishing in the same way as THC and all other drugs. The use of therapeutic cannabis remains controversial. The arrival of this “legal cannabis” revives the debate on the legalization of cannabis itself. if the question is still far from being resolved in certain European countries In all countries, many countries have authorized its use for medical purposes Because if the mention of cannabis is firstly thought of for recreational use. We must not forget that its therapeutic benefits are increasingly highlighted. Patients suffering from epilepsy, multiple sclerosis or victims of cancer use it in particular against pain and anxiety. difficult to be recognized. This is the case of a woman in her fifties who claims to have survived terminal stomach cancer thanks to the use of cannabis oil. Considered a miracle by doctors, she uses her example to encourage the legalization of medical cannabis. Who knows, maybe approaching such a sensitive topic in this way will allow for a more constructive debate on the issue in the future. “CBD has more of a calming, anti-inflammatory effect, so it’s a completely different effect” The product is available free of charge in certain stores offering liquids for electronic cigarettes and also on the Internet. According to European regulations, the level of THC, the main active molecule of cannabis, must be less than 0.2% to be sold legally. "It is THC that has psychotropic effects that have been considered harmful to public health, so CBD has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect, so it is a..