
  • Essay / The Crusade for Equal Rights in the United States

    The fight for equal rights is an ongoing issue in the United States. For most of the 20th century, Americans worked toward equality. Through demonstrations, protests, riots and parades, citizens have made demands and expressed their concerns regarding equal rights. For the first time, minority groups united to realize the American dream of liberty and justice for all. Whether it was women's equality, politics, minorities or the economy, the battle was usually worth it. I have chosen articles that discuss some of the struggles, journeys and triumphs that have taken place. The people mentioned in the following articles represent only a portion of those who suffered. The first speech I chose was written by Martin Luther King Jr. in December 1955. The speech was delivered in Montgomery, Alabama, and was addressed to African Americans gathered in protest after the arrest of Rosa Parks. She refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a city bus and was subsequently arrested. The African American community decided to protest this decision and a mass rally ensued. According to Foner, “Martin Luther King Jr. invoked Christian and American ideals of justice and democracy in his speeches.” (901) King used these themes to address protesters and spoke about the character, morality, and integrity of Rosa Parks. Martin Luther King Jr. was a national symbol of the fight for civil rights and defended the African American community through non-violent protest. The demonstrations and protests led by King spoke of the lack of freedom, justice, and equality that African Americans were experiencing. Even with all the injustices that occurred, African Americans were proud to be Americans and used... middle of paper... rations. Segregation, once considered the norm, is now a thing of the past thanks to such protests. Women were considered inferior to men and were forced to stay at home in the traditional role of housewife until the 1960s. The fact that women united for equality allowed them to become active in politics, in professional roles and to control their own bodies. Protesters in the 1990s brought attention to inequality on another level. The environment and economic inequality are now pressing issues. The protests focused public attention on environmental, global and economic issues. Without the unity of these groups, the United States would be a completely different country. It is with great admiration that I recall the events and struggles these people endured, because I do not know if I would have the courage to do the same..