
  • Essay / Necessary adaptations for an aging population - 715

    With the improvement in the quality of health care, many countries around the world are now experiencing an aging population. This involves a change in the demographic composition of older and younger people within a population. This means that there is a decrease in fertility rates with an increase in the number of elderly people (over 65 years old). The average age of the population is therefore increasing. According to the WHO, “this aging of the population can be considered a success for public health policies, but it also challenges society to adapt, in order to maximize the health and functional capacity of older people as well as their social participation and their security”. The UK is considered to have an aging population (2013 – 10 million over 65s in the UK); Some may see negative consequences due to several factors: for example, many argue that the aging of the population puts pressure on public health services. On average, those over 65 spend 9 nights there compared to two nights on average for the rest of the population per year. Additionally, older people are more likely to suffer from comorbidities and therefore consult a doctor more frequently. They are also more likely to need caregivers to help them with certain daily activities. Consequently, this puts a strain on social protection services. The immediate issues are costs and how much the government pays for each person over 65. In developing countries, caring for the elderly is considered a family responsibility. However, in developed countries where the nuclear family is more prevalent, responsibility for the elderly is now shifting to professional providers. For many, the doubt now is: should care be provided by the government or should older people and their families pay a high price? A time...... middle of paper ... ...vaccines.Throughout this module I hope to understand the challenges of an aging population, as this is a problem in the UK. I hope that in the future, as a pharmacist, I can contribute significantly to increasing the healthy life expectancy of older people. The role of the pharmacist in the face of the aging population is crucial in helping older people contribute to the economy. As a pharmacist, you must be able to understand the different services offered to older people to enable active aging. In addition to understanding common diseases associated with age, such as Alzheimer's disease, to help patients manage this disease and enjoy their lives longer. Finally, knowledge of clinical considerations in older adults is essential. Pharmacists must work with other healthcare professionals to meet the needs of patients, enabling them to live long and healthy lives..