
  • Essay / No Child Left Behind Can Leave Some Behind - 955

    School districts across the country have undergone countless changes in just a few years. Are these changes for the better? Children in today's school system face numerous tests every year. Why are they constantly tested? The continued reliance on standardized testing is a result of the No Child Left Behind Act. Continued discussions about the No Child Left Behind Act can be heard in the hallways of schools across the country, but why does it matter? The No Child Left Behind Act plays a major role in the education of our students. The students affected by this law represent the future of America. If the school does not have a positive impact on these students, it is less likely that they will be motivated to have a positive impact on America in the future. The No Child Left Behind Act can be considered a beneficial element in the current education system, but it should be revised. Revisions should be made due to ineffective measurement of student growth, stress placed on students, and limitations placed on teachers. What exactly is the No Child Left Behind Act? The name may sound familiar, but the content of the law may not be known or understood by everyone. The No Child Left Behind Act, also known as NCLB, was created by President George W. Bush. This law was passed on July 1, 2002 ("No Child Left Behind"). As summarized by the New America Foundation, the No Child Left Behind Act sets requirements for states to "ensure that all students are proficient in mathematics at grade level." and reading by 2014. Schools must make “adequate annual progress” toward this goal (“No Child Left Behind – Overview”). This goal is achieved by providing standardized tests that students must take. . There are two types of tests that students perform throughout the document......Left Behind Act 'Leave the Kids Behind?' YouTube. YouTube, March 29, 2011. Web. March 16, 2014.Missing the Mark. Digital image. Center on Education Policy, September 19, 2011. Web. April 13, 2014. “No Child Left Behind.” Np, and Web. March 15, 2014. “No Child Left Behind Act: Background and Analysis.” New America Foundation, July 1, 2013. Web. March 14, 2014. Popham, James W. “Why Standardized Tests Don't Measure Educational Quality.” » ASCD. Np, March 1999. Web. March 16, 2014. Ryser, Gail R. and Karen E. Rambo-Hernandez. "Using growth models to measure academic performance: Implications for gifted learners. (Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) 2001)." Academic OneFile. Gale, January 2014. Web. March 16, 2014. “The new rules”. PBS. PBS and Web. March 16. 2014.