
  • Essay / Tea Time: The Boston Tea Party - 822

    People have a short temper that can cause a fight. However, most big fights consist of a accumulation of small events that cause one of them to explode. The Boston Tea Party was one of the most important preparations for the American War of Independence. The feuds between the American colonists and the British intensified and the Americans were officially fed up. Therefore, to have a voice, they dumped tea into Boston Harbor. The Boston Tea Party was a serious protest that had an impact on the American Revolution. This terrible reaction was provoked by violent events. Since the British had emerged from the Seven Years' War, they had been heavily in debt. So, hoping for a solution, they decided to tax the colonies in order to save them from financial ruin. For example, harsh taxes like the Stamp Act and the Townsend Acts were directly enforced and caused great frustration in the colonies. While the colonies had already been taxed, unlike previous taxes, this tax was in fact being implemented which infuriated the colonists ("The Boston Tea Party, 1773" 1). Additionally, the Boston Massacre also angered many colonists. Five settlers died, leaving a great contribution to a revolution. Subsequently, men like Samuel Adams gave informative speeches that built confidence in actual combat (“How the Boston Tea Party Worked” 1). Finally, what triggered the colonists was the monopoly strategy. The British believed that they would simply eliminate competition with the colonists' tea companies and the British tea companies. In fact, the British did lower the tax on tea, but only for the British East India Company. Even though the colonists had what they asked for, they saw the bigger picture and they... middle of paper... hey were dealt with by the British. The British felt very little respected and feared losing control of everything they owned in America. The Boston Tea Party was one of many protests against Parliament organized by Americans to fight for their independence. The Boston Tea Party had many reasons behind it and one of the most famous mottos behind it was, "no taxes without representation." These words were born out of the wonderful Boston Tea Party and not only had an impact on the American Revolutionary War, but they endure in the world today. Works Cited “9f. The Tea Act and Tea Parties. The Tea Act and Tea Parties []. Np, and Web. November 26, 2013. “The Boston Tea Party, 1773.” The Boston Tea Party, 1773. Np, nd Web. November 24, 2013 “How the Boston Tea Party Worked. » How things work. Np, and Web. November 26. 2013.