
  • Essay / Power, Control, and Empowerment in Frances Burney's "A"...

    Frances Burney began experiencing chest pains in 1810, and in September 1811 a mastectomy was performed on her. In her letter "A Mastectomy", she describes the illness and the operation, her feelings and fears to her sister Esther Burney. The letter tells the story of a battle for control and against feelings of powerlessness. It also talks about empowerment; writing is Burney's way of regaining control of his activity and integrating it into his own story. In this article, I attempt to find and analyze the reasons for Burney's feeling of helplessness, her description in the letter, and the ways in which she attempts to combat it. Although Fraces Burney's time as a character in the text is most vulnerable is certainly during After the Operation, the theme of helplessness begins to emerge in the letter from the very beginning. Burney first describes how she is separated from her family and friends in England, then explains why she is writing her letter. She says she's only writing the story of her illness because someone else has already made sure her family hears about it, and she wants them to learn it from her, not from strangers. . She therefore does not act because she longs to share her experience, but because she feels that the situation demands it and that she has no power to change it. After this adaptation to circumstances, the story of his real and deep feeling of helplessness begins, beginning with the doctors examining his body. In his essay “This breast – it’s me”; Fanny Burney's Mastectomy and the Determining Stare", Heidi Kaye presents an interesting and compelling idea, that Burney resists seeing a doctor because she feels uncomfortable with the idea of ​​a male doctor examines it. "When she ends...... middle of paper ....... In the text, power is not seen as corrupted or violently withdrawn, but is naturally possessed due to knowledge or supernatural power. This could make her empowerment even more difficult, since she has no one to blame for her helplessness, there is no villain in the story. But Burney achieves this by making the story her own. , writing it on his own terms and in his own words, from his own point of viewBurney, Frances. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. : WW Norton Company, Inc., 2006. 2822-2827. Epstein, Julia L. 1986. "Writing the Unspeakable; Fanny Burney's Mastectomy and the Fictional Body." Heidi. 1997. “‘This Breats – It’s Me’: Fanny Burney’s Mastectomy and the Defining Gaze.” 6,1; 43-53.