
  • Essay / Immigration Reform - 1243

    Immigration ReformThe founding of the United States of America was based on the migration of people from other countries. Migration to the United States between 1820 and 1914 accelerated the Industrial Revolution and began to improve transportation at a faster rate (Goldfield, 2005). With America considered the melting pot of the world, immigration is an important topic that needs to be constantly regulated. Foreigners are encouraged to travel to America for a better life and more job opportunities, but the process of even applying for a green card can be nearly impossible for many immigrants. Many immigrants drive innovation, create businesses and jobs, and are also entrepreneurs. Well-educated and trained foreign workers are inventive and productive (, 2013). These immigrants do not always have the means and ability to acquire these skills and become citizens under current immigration laws. As the U.S. population continues to grow, there are more than 11 million illegal immigrants. ( This means that $23 billion in taxes go unpaid each year (, 2012). Immigration Reform in History Immigration reform has evolved over time, beginning with the Immigration Act of 1924. This law limited the number of immigrants allowed to enter. in the United States by establishing a national origin quota (, Milestones). The quota allowed only two percent of people of each nationality to receive a visa. Asia was not included in the quota. In 1952, the Immigration Act became the Immigration and Nationality Act. The Immigration and Nationality Act is still in effect today, but was amended in the middle of the document......ctiThree decades of mass immigration: the legacy of the Immigration Act of 1965. (nd). Center for Immigration Studies. Accessed May 4, 2014, from 10 Pros and Cons - Illegal Immigration - (April 13, 2009). ProConorg Titles. Accessed May 3, 2014, from Immigration since 1965. (nd). Accessed May 3, 2014, from Chamber. (nd). American room. Accessed May 5, 2014, from does the United States need immigration reform?. (nd). Open Society Foundations (OSF). Retrieved May 3, 2014 from