
  • Essay / The Creature Within - 756

    At eighteen, Mary Shelly had already faced more traumatic experiences than the average person would deal with in a lifetime. After her mother's death, ten days after Mary's birth, her father, William Godwin, remarried in 1801 to a woman who had little interest in her new husband's daughter. Never having the chance to know her biological mother and receiving little or no affection from her second, helped set the stage for Mary's novels. Frankenstein, his most famous novel, was first published in 1818 and is nothing more than a glorified newspaper article. The characters as well as situations in Mary's life are all reflected in the gripping plot of Frankenstein. Even Mary herself finds herself in Victor Frankenstein's monster. As a creation that never truly knew its creator, Frankenstein's monster felt isolated and socially isolated, much like Mary did growing up. At a very young age, Mary blamed her stepmother for taking her father away from her, who had already separated from her. Frankenstein's creature had similar feelings towards his caregiver. “Yet you, my creator, hate and despise me, your creature, to whom you are bound by bonds which can only be dissolved by the annihilation of one of us” (Shelley93). In this, Mary felt like she had emotionally lost her mother as well as her father. Living socially isolated in a dysfunctional family is also a very strong situation described in his novel. “Wherever I see happiness, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded” (Shelley94). None of this was helped by the fact that Shelley had to live up to the crushing reputations of both her parents. In a way, Shelley was an intellectual monster created by her parents - a radical thinker in a society where radical thinking, or thinking... middle of paper ... natural act of procreation in which a woman has become useless. Sigmund Freud once pointed out that people often unintentionally manifest their own unconscious in their actions (Dobie 49). A striking example of this would be Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. In this famous novel about a man creating life, much of Shelly's childhood is obviously reflected. Throughout the play, Shelley's personal psychology came face to face with her adolescence and what she discovered was her own creature. Works Cited Dobie, Ann B. Theory into Practice: An Introduction to Literary Criticism. Thomson Heinle. Boston, Massachusetts. 2002. Hayes, Kas. “Similarities Between Author and Creation in Frankenstein-The Monster Within by Mary Shelley.” Yahoo Contributor Network. October 3, 2008. The web. May 17. 2014Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003. Print.