
  • Essay / Practical Benefits of the Human Genome Project

    The Human Genome Project, or HGP, was the first large-scale international scientific research program. The objective of the project was to determine and completely complete the nucleotide sequence that constitutes the human genome and to be able to map these genes. “In addition to DNA sequencing, the Human Genome Project sought to develop new tools to obtain and analyze data and make this information widely available.” The goals of the HGP were articulated in 1988 and the program was subsequently adopted by the Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health. In 1990, the first stages began and were released with a projected date of fifteen years. "The complete sequence was completed and released in April 2003." “The human genome consists of only about 20,000 protein-coding genes, of which protein-coding sequences correspond to only about 1% of human DNA. » Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get an original essay “Huge advances in DNA sequencing technology have been made, and new sequencing methodologies enable sequencing rapid and economical processing of individual genomes or transcribed RNAs. ". The Human Genome Project was able to identify the location, structure and organization of many human genes. The project also compared and studied the genome sequences of many other organisms. “By studying the similarities and differences between human genes and those of other organisms, researchers can discover the functions of particular genes and identify which ones are essential for life.” Due to the similarities between homologous genes, the identification of sequences or functions can be used as a model for other organisms. “More than 40% of predicted human proteins are related to proteins of simpler sequenced eukaryotes, including yeast, Drosophila and C. elegans.” “Every part of the genome sequenced by the Human Genome Project was made public immediately, and new information about the genome is published almost every day in freely accessible databases or published in scientific journals.” In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that human genes exist naturally and therefore are not invented and cannot be patented. The discovery of the human genome sequence shed light on the fact that the number of protein-coding genes within an organism does not correlate with the complexity of that organism. Genomics is the branch of molecular biology that studies not only the gene as a whole, but also their interrelationships with each other and their relationship with an environment. The goal is to find ways to improve health and fight disease. “Genomics includes the scientific study of complex diseases such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes and cancer, because these diseases are usually caused more by a combination of genetic and environmental factors than by individual genes.” One method to improve a person's health is to create an activity and diet plan. By simply changing the way they eat and increasing their physical activity, they may be able to compensate for or delay an illness to which the person may be predisposed. “Genomics offers new possibilities for therapies and treatments for certain complex diseases, as well as new diagnostic methods.” Genomics helps uncover why one person might get sick and another might not when exposed to the same environment and risks. Discoveries made by genomicscould facilitate earlier diagnosis, treatment and even possibly prevention measures. Genomics attempts to determine how genes work and the elements that regulate them. Variations in DNA sequences can help assess a person's predisposition to a disease and how they might respond to medications. Genomics could make it possible to “develop and apply genome-based strategies for the early detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases”. Advances in technology enable “accurate diagnosis of existing diseases and the development of effective and targeted treatment strategies.” Genomic information can potentially change the way pharmaceutical drugs are tested. “New research into the molecular pathways underlying health and disease will continue to inform rational drug development and design.” Genomic data could provide enough information to create new therapeutic drug applications and select better-suited individuals for clinical trials. “Genomic medicine has the potential to make the genetic diagnosis of diseases a more efficient and cost-effective process, by reducing genetic testing to a single analysis, which then informs individuals throughout their lives.” To understand which proteins may be encoded by a cell's genome, it is important to understand which proteins are expressed and how they function within a cell. The “large-scale analysis of cellular proteins, or proteomics, aims to identify and quantify all of the proteins expressed in a given cell, the proteome, as well as to establish the localization of these proteins in different organelles subcellular and to elucidate the networks”. interactions between proteins that govern cellular activities. By characterizing the proteins expressed in the cell, it can provide insight into their function and organization. When different cells are exposed to different stimuli, we can attempt to understand their cellular adaptation to environmental cues and how individuals of a species differ. “The goal of proteomics is not only to identify all the proteins in a cell, but also to create a complete three-dimensional (3D) map of the cell showing where the proteins are located.” Proteins are responsible for phenotypes and therefore genes cannot provide all the information about cells. “It is impossible to elucidate the mechanisms of disease, aging and environmental effects solely by studying the genome. Only through the study of proteins can protein modifications be characterized and drug targets identified. » Integrating data sets also used in genomics, such as microarray-based expression, “will produce a comprehensive database of gene functions that will serve as a powerful reference on protein properties and functions ". These databases will also provide researchers with tools to build and test their hypotheses. The study of human genes and proteins could help create new drugs to treat diseases. To identify proteins associated with a certain disease, information from the genome and proteomes is necessary. Computer software is able to provide a three-dimensional structure that provides information on how to design drugs to interfere with proteins. Inactivating enzymes within proteins inactivates proteins involved in disease because when mutations occur.