
  • Essay / Manipulation and deception in a good man are difficult to...

    Lessons are learned through mistakes and experiences, but to fully understand the lesson, a person must be intelligent enough to take advantage of its mistakes and be strong enough to correct them. them. However, this was not the case for the main character of the short story; A Good Man is Hard to Find written by Flannery O'Connor. In this story of manipulation and deception, O'Connor portrays the main character, the grandmother, as a shrewd and self-centered woman, who considers herself morally superior to other individuals. Throughout the story, she is seen using her manipulative tactics on everyone, which brings her to a sinister end. O'Connor expertly portrayed the grandmother as a character who did not correct her negative characteristics throughout the story. To prove this statement, the use of tense will be applied to help focus on the main idea of ​​the grandmother not changing her harmful habits throughout this story. Since the beginning of the story, readers have come to know the grandmother as a wicked old woman. lady because of her repulsive and deceptive attitudes towards others. From the beginning, we see the grandmother using her manipulative tactics on her family. “The grandmother didn’t want to go to Florida. She wanted to visit some of her connections in East Tennessee, and she took every opportunity to change Bailey's mind. (O'Connor 1) This first quote shows an initial indication that the grandmother is determined to get everything she wants and will not let anything stand in her way, even if it means manipulating her own family. This sentence already suggests that the grandmother may have devious motives hidden in her mind. “Here, this man who calls himself The Misfit is a person freed from the federal pen… middle of paper…. When these two counterexamples are analyzed in more detail, many flaws begin to surface and can easily be perceived differently. In the case of "Bailey Boy", this can be observed as another underhanded tactic used to gain more sympathy towards the grandmother. Even at the end, when she seemed to show compassion towards the Misfit, it can be seen as her last desperate attempt to save her own life. This was entirely plausible since at the beginning of the paragraph, the grandmother noted that the Misfit had a sensitivity towards religion, which she could have used against him to free herself. However, her attempt to "comfort" the criminal backfired and led to her death. These theories can all be debated depending on your view of the story, which would actually determine whether the grandmother was sincere or frolicking with the devil..