
  • Essay / How modern technology has changed medicine and industry...

    "Never before in history has innovation offered so much promise to so many people in so little time." -Bill Gates. Modern technology has had an impact on the medical field. The medical field has benefited from technology. She benefited from tools such as scalps (which are used to open the body) and medical equipment. Medical technology has developed to the point where viruses that previously affected us no longer affect us today. An example would be the Spanish virus which killed 1/8 of the European population. Medical technology has made it possible to stop new viruses before they cause real harm. A machine can detect cancer cells, so they can be treated before they cause more damage. We are also getting to the point where we can even make our own human cells and bones. Overall, medical technology has advanced. Modern technology has had an impact on the manufacturing industry. Modern technology has allowed the manufacturing industry to produce products faster and easier. We could build a lot of cars quickly with technology. Manufacturing made it easier for people to have a surplus of goods. We now have a surplus of goods. Modern technology has had a negative impact on technology. Manufacturing has made production more efficient and consistent. To summarize, manufacturing has changed the way we produce things. Modern technology has had an impact on the financial sector. Finances were made easier. We can now pay via the Internet, services like Paypal make this possible. Financially, technology has improved business. We now have technology that can pay for your business in one fell swoop (Parag.1). We have online shopping where we can buy things without having to set foot outside. To clean...... middle of paper ...... y Parts Will Revolutionize Medicine. " Popular Science. Popular Science, July-August 2013. Web. April 15, 2014. MacRae, Michael. "Top 5 Innovations in Medical Technology." - ASME. Np, March-April 2013. Web. April 13, 2014. Museum, Science . “Science Museum. Brought to Life: Exploring the History of Medicine. " Technology and Medicine. Np, nd Web. April 15, 2014. " The negative and positive ecological impacts of technology. " Ecological Impacts of Technology. ItchyBrainsCentral, nd Web. April 17, 2014. Stauble, Janet. "The Benefits of Online Banking." Mortgage Rates Home CD Rates Refinance by, June-July 2011. Web April 17, 2014. Vasile, Christian "Is Paypal good. for your online business ?. 2014.