
  • Essay / Working conditions in the digital age: changes in business and human resources

    Table of contentsEvolution of digital business and human resourcesManaging people in the digital contextConclusionReferencesWorking in the digital age, there are a multitude of skills necessary to compete in a constantly evolving market it is complex and each area presents its own challenges. Working conditions in the digital age are explored in this essay. We will also cover aspects of management theory, ethical considerations in the digital environment, digital presence, artificial intelligence, innovation and a potential digital revolution. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essayEvolution of Business and Digital Human ResourcesThe history of management has adapted over the years with the first proper management theory from the 1900s; this was because the Industrial Revolution resulted in the construction of large factories, leading to the need for an organizational structure that allowed businesses to operate and produce efficiently. In today's business environment, management theory is classified into 4 schools of thought: classical theory, human relations theory, systems theory and contingency theory. Classical theory can be considered traditional management theory, being one of the oldest theories, and presented the first formal theory. structure to try to maximize production performance. Taylor's scientific management theory can be used as one of the most prominent examples: it focused on maximizing production by minimizing the time required, allowing workers to specialize in tasks, by enabling a more streamlined process in the industry, eliminating unnecessary operations and the first establishment of a structured hierarchy. In today's modern society, the framework of Taylor's method is still visible, although it has several limitations; one of the most important being that it provides no support for the social and psychological needs of the employee, causing harmful side effects such as lack of motivation and decreased overall production productivity. Human relations theory began to emerge in the late 1920s and early 1930s, as production began to decline due to new management of the industry, many workers became demotivated. The theory showed that if the relationship between managers and employees was strengthened, morale increased, leading to increased production, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. This was also demonstrated by the Hawthorne studies, which clearly showed that production was also influenced by group decisions and social norms. Employees are proud of their work and would like to be able to contribute; Ultimately, the classical structure mitigated this phenomenon and led to unexpected declines in production. A limitation of this model is that the research and study focused on groups of people and was not representative of the major organs of the organization; they also depended on factors such as salary, working conditions and the individual situation of employees. Based on 4 principles of predictability, calculability, efficiency and control, this can be considered today as a model used to streamline the services to be provided to the consumer as effectively aspossible. In today's modern business world, the effects and implications of McDonaldization are quickly becoming more apparent, extending to many industries in different forms. One consequence is that management now focuses on delivering products as quickly as possible, minimizing the time required for tasks and the entire product cycle. Another implication is product standardization, to ensure consistency in customer satisfaction. To achieve this, management is now more inclined to replace human jobs with machines and technology to create the same level of control and reduce human errors. In the modern era, management has now moved more towards McDonaldization, with big negative downsides, such as making the workforce unskilled, resulting in easy replacement of jobs and leading - in some regions - unemployed or facing difficult working conditions with workers unable to speak out for fear of being replaced. Working in the digital age confronts people with many new modern challenges, one of which is managing and maintaining their digital presence, usually across various social media platforms - the things we tweet and the posts we like or share all contribute to our digital presence. In today's world, there should be greater ethical consideration regarding what we post and how others may interpret it, as others may see different meanings than your original intention . An ethical line was crossed and had serious repercussions, leading to the decision of the 6 HSBC bankers to be unemployed. The group had filmed a mock execution by ISIS, in which they simulated the death of a colleague using a coat hanger, shouting "Allahu Akbar". This caused major public offense as it followed the kidnapping of a Salford man executed in Syria by ISIS operatives. Once the men posted the video on Instagram, it quickly gained traction and caught the attention of The Sun, which passed the information on to HSBC bank, issuing a formal apology to the public, asserting tolerance zero towards this type of behavior. our digital identity should be a concern for everyone on the internet because it can affect future job prospects or current jobs since 93-96% of employers will review applicants' social profiles. Some things we post or share can have unexpected effects, as the post above shows. Inexplicit posts such as your weekend parties or frequent selfies can also affect new job applications. Some employers may not be happy to accept you for displaying your extroverted lifestyle if it involves frequent alcohol use or potential drug abuse. The frequency of postings could also affect your chances of employment. If you post 4-5 selfies per day, this may raise questions during hiring about the person's time management and productivity or indicate that the person is not a good team player, as they may be more egocentric. Presence isn't always a bad thing, as many recruiters look at professional social media platforms like LinkedIn and non-professional sites to gain insight into your character and hobbies. People without a digital identity can be completely rejected from a job, 41% of employers are less likely to interview candidates if they don't haveof digital existence, so this can be used to your advantage and set you apart from other candidates. Building a positive digital presence is vital for employment in today's digital age, allowing you to highlight favorable qualities, activities in your personal life and achievements or qualifications on professional platforms. Social media helps recruiters gain insight into your lifestyle outside of work and can make the difference in whether you are selected over other candidates. Presenting a high-quality digital presence in the digital age should be a key factor to consider, as your actions may have unforeseen circumstances. consequences in certain cases leading to unemployment. However, your digital presence can be used to set you apart from others and is crucial when it comes to employment, as many recruiters will check this; Being part of the digital age means you need to have thought through what you post and broadcast because it ultimately reflects your character. Managing people in the digital context The digital age has radically changed the way we manage people. Our perception of marketing, data processing, data mining and how we interact with others has been affected. Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to change the way businesses interact with their stakeholders and the way we manage businesses. This essay will examine the current state of AI and innovation, the future of technology, and how the development of the digital world relates to privacy and data protection. Data privacy gives the user control over what data companies collect and what they can do with it; Data protection, on the other hand, consists of preventing unauthorized access to your data. In the digital age, the change in people management appears in the collection of data by third-party companies. A good example of this is Facebook, where user data is passed to advertising companies so that they can deliver targeted advertisements to users and directly influence purchasing habits. Facebook's business model relies on serving targeted ads to its users, profiting from displaying ads on their platform and incentivizing users to purchase sponsored products or services. AI has rapidly evolved the way businesses collect data to create targeted ads using voice recognition, spotting patterns across social media. media and link your location to things that may be of interest to you. This technological evolution has made it easier for companies to sell products to specific audiences. Does this cause harm to the public? Data mining with AI can increase profits, reduce costs and drive innovation; However, ethical concerns around privacy and data protection are major when using AI with personal data. The more personal data an AI machine collects about an individual's activity, location, interests and opinions, the more accurately it can predict what you will and will not accept. Problems arise when data is used to spread political extremism, fake news or track movements. As defined above, data protection and data confidentiality are different: data protection does not guarantee data confidentiality. The development of AI can contribute to the evolution of our species, by making information more accessible..