
  • Essay / Public education systems around the world - 1968

    The Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) is responsible for the development of Finnish curricula. The FNBE is supervised by the Ministry of National Education and Culture. The FNBE regulates the national orientations and objects of pre-primary and basic education, general and vocational upper secondary education and training and adult education. The FNBE also coordinates the diplomas required in each study program. (Finnish National Board of Education 2012.) Public authorities must provide different educational opportunities to every person in Finland because of the fundamental right to education and culture. People have the opportunity to continue their studies after compulsory education. Preschool and basic education are free for all citizens. Additionally, many schools charge no tuition fees. (Finnish National Board of Education 2012.) The education dimension is defined as the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which is used throughout Europe. The system is overseen by the European Commission. One credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of study work. (European Commission 2013.)2.1 Health education in FinlandIt is possible to study health care in vocational education and training, at universities of applied sciences and at universities. In vocational education and training, it is possible to study the basic examination in social and health care, the diploma of which is that of auxiliary nurse. Students have the opportunity to choose a training program that relates to rehabilitation, care and education of children and young people, mental health and addiction, social work, nursing and care, disability care and care of the elderly. (Ministry of Education and Culture.)...... middle of document ......f Ghana has a college of health sciences where it is possible to study at the school of nurses. The School of Nursing provides training in the following areas: community health, maternal and child health, mental health, adult health, research, education and administration. In the nursing program, it is possible to obtain a Master of Science and Master of Philosophy degree. The duration of the Master in Science is one year and that of the Master in Philosophy is two years. The University of Ghana also has a School of Public Health where it is possible to study a three-year Doctor of Philosophy degree. (University of Ghana.) The Ghana Nursing and Midwifery Council issues work permits to nurses who wish to practice their profession in Ghana (Ghana Nursing and Midwifery Council 2013). Students can apply for a student loan for their studies (Students Loan Trust Fund). 2013).