
  • Essay / Advancement of technology in Japan - 1715

    Every day of every year, we use the technology that revolves around us, whether it is the car, the telephone, a computer or even the media social. Over the past few decades, we have relied on technology so much that it has become a daily routine. Every piece of electronic technology we touch begins with its development, and it is this accelerated progression of technology that benefits the progress of the entire world; however, some believe that if the situation is poorly managed, the massive reliance on technology could have devastating consequences for the economy (Marchant). This problematic situation is becoming more and more important as new technologies appear each year. Although many are unaware of this possibility, it may soon become our reality, as major countries like Japan continually change technological standards through robotics, robotics, or other means of advancement. Therefore, Japan's technological advancements could, and I believe will, pave the way for intelligent machines that could eliminate many thousands of jobs; therefore, the economy will then be greatly affected by the ensuing mass unemployment. Not only is Japan one of the largest contributors to our technology-centric world, but it is also one of the leading countries in the fields of scientific research, technology and machinery. , and medical research (Sunami). In the 1960s, Japan quickly realized the benefits of Western technology and seized the opportunity to become a modern industrial city (Shelly). Since then, they have become a global technology leader in transforming the meaning of technology. Then after the 1960s, Japan experienced rapid economic growth which led to Japan becoming the second largest economy until China too...... middle of paper...... If poorly managed by governments and big business, the situation could cause a catastrophic eruption in the global economy. Therefore, as Japan continues to innovate, a major risk exists for those whose work is repetitive or considered simple. Then, since we revolve around our technology to help us in every way, businesses can use machines to increase their revenue, but it also affects the unemployment rate of many people. The main concern is how technological advancements will affect the economy. Simply, as we move forward, we risk seeing thousands and thousands of hard-working men and women thrown under the bus. Although it may be difficult to know whether technology will actually replace our jobs, we can clearly see in our daily lives that this scenario can and will pose a major risk to our economy..