
  • Essay / Rape in the United States - 694

    Rape involves forcing another person, man or woman, to have unwanted sexual intercourse. It's probably one of the worst things you can face. Rape can happen to anyone, at any time. This is a very serious crime and it happens throughout society today. Rape statistics are very high, even without unreported cases. There are also numerous cases of unreported rape. Rape is one of the oldest crimes in history. This crime continues to occur today and stricter laws have been put in place to help alleviate the problem. Rape has been around for thousands of years and behind that, there is a story. In 1973, a seventeen-year-old girl was raped. Her rapist was declared innocent because she agreed to go for a walk with him and he seemed to be a respectful man. There have been many crimes like this in history, and along with these crimes, rape also had a huge impact in history during war. War has been associated with widespread rape for hundreds of years. Rape in wartime is common due to lack of sexual satisfaction. During World War II, Soviet women were raped by German soldiers and German women were raped by Soviet soldiers. During the 1971 war, Pakistani soldiers raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bengali women. During the Vietnam and Yugoslav War, rape was a major problem. It was very difficult to estimate the number of rapes committed during the war, because women do not report these rapes. They do not report rapes due to trauma and fear within the family. Soldiers who did this gave them a feeling of power and was proof that they were manly. The punishment for rape during war was the same as if it had happened at any other time. If a woman became pregnant, she would face serious consequences. Wives are abandoned by their husbands, some commit suicide...... middle of paper......We can help raise awareness. If you see something suspicious happening, speak up. As a society, we can all demonstrate political will. Only one person can bring about change. Rape is not a joke and no one should have to deal with rape. Many rapes go unreported. When a rape goes unreported, it is unlikely to lead to arrest or prosecution. Out of 100 rapes, 40 are reported to the police, 10 lead to an arrest, 8 are prosecuted, 4 lead to a felony conviction, 3 rapists will spend time in prison and the remaining 97 will be released. Ending the silence and speaking up is the step everyone should start with. Help spread the word and the world will change.Works February 10. 2014Rainn. RAIN, 2009. Web. February 3, 2014. Wesemann.Dorette. “Rape. » Agora-Wisen. and Web. February 6, 2014 No, no. 2014. Internet. Feb. 8 .2014