
  • Essay / The importance of the unsaid in "Hills Like White Elephants"

    The great American author Ernest Hemingway is well known for his unique style, which places the greatest importance on the unsaid. Among his works, and in his typical fashion, is the short story “Hills Like White Elephants”. This story focuses on a couple traveling in Western Europe and the unspoken problem that strains their relationship. Although not specifically stated, the dialogue suggests that the girl is pregnant and is considering terminating the pregnancy. While the girl still doesn't know what to do, the man with her is convinced that she should undergo "the procedure." In Hemingway's story, "Hills Like White Elephants," an uncomfortable atmosphere, choppy dialogue, and the stark contrast between the desires of the central characters create tension as the girl struggles to make a difficult decision about the future of her relationship and her unborn child. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay From the beginning, Hemingway creates an uncomfortable atmosphere to suggest to readers that there is already friction between the girl and the man. The story takes place in an unknown place, both for the readers and the characters. The man is identified as an American traveling in Spain. Although readers do not know where the girl is from, it is clear that she is not Spanish, as the man must translate to the woman who serves him. From the first moments, both characters drink alcohol. Not only do they drink, but the girl asks: “The fat ones?” and the man agrees. The presence of alcohol and the staccato quality of their initial dialogue contribute to the story's uncomfortable atmosphere from the start. As the story continues, the two order additional drinks in what seems like a very short period of time. They order Anise del Toro and another round of beers, which helps establish both characters' nervousness in anticipation of their conversation. When not used in reference to social drinking, alcohol generally suggests discomfort, acting as a buffer for difficult conversations. In this story, alcohol leads to their discussion about whether or not the girl should have an abortion. In addition to the tension created by the uncomfortable atmosphere, Hemingway also uses dialogue to create tension between the two characters. The longest sentence on the first page is only five words until the man says, "Just because you say I wouldn't have done it, doesn't prove anything" in response to his comment about seeing white elephants (475). This first sentence, of considerable length, reveals some of the tension already building between the two. While discussing their Anis del Toros, the girl makes a simple joke and the man appears short with her. She replies: “You started it… I was amused. I was having a good time. He then says, “Well, let’s try to have a good time” (476). This text suggests that they should strive to act normally and look "good." At this stage, they are still hiding their true emotions and the reason for their discomfort. The word “good” reappears at the very end of the story when the girl seems to have lost the argument and the man asks her if she feels better. The girl responds briefly: “I feel good. There is nothing wrong with me. I feel good” (478). Although she claims to be "fine", her repetition of the phrase and choice of the word "fine" suggests that she is anything but. The choppy dialogue throughout.