
  • Essay / Her Lover - 1049

    Short stories have aspects different from other forms of writing that would make it a short story in which the elements are: setting, plot, characters, conflict and theme. All of these characteristics are essential to the creation of a short story as well as the extinction of other types of writing. In the story "Her Lover", all of these characteristics are presented throughout the story and the requirements for these characteristics are met. However, not all of these requirements must be met to create a short story, as the setting and/or characters may be vividly described and paint a vague picture. Additionally, the point of view of the story does not change since it remains in first person from start to finish, a change in point of view would mean that the story is not news. The setting of the story takes place in an apartment building in which the two main characters reside, as shown in the quote "I lived on the top floor and his attic was across from mine." (Gorky 163). The weather conditions and time are not explained in the story, but it is expected that it happened in modern times and the weather conditions would have changed depending on the mood of the story, for example towards the end it would rain to express the bleakness of Teresa's death "Subsequently, about three months into this story, they put her in jail for something or other. No doubt, at At that point she died." (Gorky 166). The characters' daily lives seem to be casual, "Mr. Student" and Teresa don't seem to have jobs or school, they just seem to be in the apartment complex all the time doing their own things. At the beginning of the story, the mood seems to be bright and calming because not much happens, but then, halfway through, what if he doesn't? It doesn't exist, but it could! I write to him and it seems like he exists. And Teresa is me, and he answers me, and then I write to him again..." (Gorky 166). All these characteristics were shown throughout the story and came true: the setting has been described, the characters are painted a picture in the audience's head, the plot shows a stable storyline, the conflict goes hand in hand with the plot, and the point of view remains the same throughout the story. theme is basic but it is the main point of the story as it influences a lot of the character's actions "Her Lover" has similarities to the other short stories as they all had some Russian influence and follow the elements. of a short story "Her Lover" stands out as a short story according to the criteria met and is also different from other types of writing..