
  • Essay / 1776 - 529

    1776Throughout the birth of this country and the years it prospered and prospered, many leaders stepped up to help this great nation. This film documents some of the leaders who helped confront the impossible and create one of the greatest countries in the world. Although not historically accurate, this film gives people examples of the type of leadership role played by each member of Congress during the First Continental Congress. However, not all participants in the first conference demonstrated good leadership. Many of them had poor leadership which did not make the decision for independence easy. Thanks to these great leaders, a nation was born and the roles of each person are now history in the eyes of everyone today. Each great leader of the First Continental Congress had their own unique leadership style that shows us good and bad examples of leadership. . One of the first characters I noticed during the movie was John Hancock. Hancock shows poor leadership by leaving George Washington stranded with few troops and no aid. Hancock rejected Washington's request for help early in the film, making me jump to the conclusion that he was a bad leader and a horrible man. Hancock ended up being a very strong leader, showing viewers that he was strong and courageous by being the deciding vote on whether or not Congress should talk about independence. Hancock's vote could have gone either way, deciding the fate of the new country or Britain's power. In my eyes though, John Adams was the greatest leader, showing viewers that he was determined to get rid of Brittan and all the evil they had done. Under no circumstances is Adams stepping aside for anyone or anything in his fight that has made him a good leader and a powerful influence on the fate of this country. Thomas Jefferson was a good leader by showing his will and strength to help Adams write a declaration and oppose everyone else who was against the idea of ​​independence. One of the strangest leaders who also demonstrates leadership and courage is South Carolina Congressman Edward Rutledge. He opposed John Adams for what he truly believed was best for him and the people..