
  • Essay / The effects of ocean pollution on the environment

    Our oceans are hit hard every day by the extremely large amount of pollution produced by humans. Our society easily dumps waste into the oceans to eliminate the excessive amount of trash, sewage, and chemicals, but this small and simple solution creates an even bigger problem. The way humans dispose of waste is causing the death of our beloved marine life. Not only are we killing our animals, our food source, and our resources, but we are also reducing our usable water. By having a better understanding of the problem of large spills, it will be easier to find ways to help minimize the pollution flowing into the ocean. Pollution comes in many forms. Into the ocean, we release a variety of substances, including human waste, chemicals from fertilizers, oil, and waste such as plastic, all of which contribute to the growing problem of pollution in our oceans. Additionally, our usable water is limited. More than 97.5 percent of the water on this planet is undrinkable salt water; the remaining 2.5 percent contains two-thirds of usable fresh water locked in glaciers, snow and permafrost. Of the third of fresh water available for human use, 20 percent is used for industrial purposes. (“Water Pollution”) “In effect, water pollution reduces the volume of water available for use by humans and other populations. » (Robin Clarke, Jannet King) Knowing that there are approximately 7.2 billion people on this planet and that it only has 0.83% of the amount available for our use, wouldn't you want to do everything what you can to help put an end to water pollution? (worldometers)Industrial pollution is a major contributor to the pollution of our vast oceans. In 1996, 1.5 million cubic meters of industrial waste...... middle of paper......lls. Ed. Tamara Thompson. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2014. Current Controversies. Opposing viewpoints in context. Internet. May 5, 2014. “Effects of Oil Spills on Marine and Coastal Wildlife” Holly K. Ober. WEB. May 19, 2014 “Oceans”. Online collection of opposing viewpoints. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Internet. May 8, 2014. “Ocean pollution.” MarineBio Conservation Society ~ Marine biology, ocean life conservation, sea creatures, biodiversity, research... Web. May 19, 2014. “Oil Spill Response Techniques.” EPA. Environmental Protection Agency. Internet. May 20, 2014. “Water pollution.” Current issues: Macmillan Social Sciences Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Internet. May 5, 2014. “World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2014) – Worldometers.” » World population clock: 7 billion people (2014) - Worldometers. Internet. May 19 2014.