
  • Essay / What is servant leadership? - 695

    Final ThoughtServant leadership means serving others and leading. It puts everyone first by teaching you to put others before yourself, which brings out major qualities. Just being or having leadership qualities doesn't always work. Most leadership models are possessive towards the best for themselves, some work while others do not, mainly because refusing to see others before oneself is a difficult concept to understand and use to some. You can be a great leader, but if you don't understand servant qualities or serve for the benefit of others, your problem is not highly appreciated. Most, I think, don't know what servant leadership is or means, I didn't know until this course opened it up for me. I will say that I have normal leadership qualities, although I am working on learning some of the servant leadership qualities. roles that were taught to me in this course. An excellent quote from Leo Tolsty: “Everyone thinks about changing the world, but no one thinks about changing themselves. » I agree with this quote, no one thinks that if they just start changing themselves the world will follow. Change your clothes before you try to save the world! No one wants to change, but in some cases the demands of others are supposed to take priority. A lot of us have all these values ​​messed up. Datron, a company I learned about in 7 Pillars, uses 5 core values ​​that I consider a great way to use servant leadership. 1. Our family comes first. 2. Honor and serve others. 3. Conduct ourselves ethically and with integrity. 4. Be honest and trustworthy. 5. be uncompromising about our values. I enjoy each of these only in my personal life, I can only imagine how well they work in the workplace. The book 7 Pillars of Servant Leadership by: James W. Sipe and Don M. Frick opened in the middle of paper...... for the same reasons and no one is better than another, it is much more than a place where I am not heard and where I am unhappy. I didn't think it through, I didn't sit down and develop a personal leadership plan for the next 30 days or for any period of time. I'm not usually one to write down tasks and schedules and execute them. I have goals that I try to achieve when I can, but I don't have them on paper and I don't set a deadline for achieving them. I know what I need to do, what is important and why, as well as which ones I am trying to accomplish or do first. The next 30 days I don't know exactly where I will be in my life. I am, however, going to take some time and think about developing a personal leadership development plan, curious to see if I am able to stick to it and how much more I would accomplish by developing this plan. Pray that I will be able to overcome the possibilities of a plan and my future.