
  • Essay / Types of fraud that can be perpetrated by staff against their employer

    The CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) states that: there are many types of fraud that can be perpetrated by employees against their employer employer. Depending on the nature of the business and the products and services offered, staff members may have many opportunities to commit fraud. Every business and organization has its own risks and threats, and other threats arise in terms of role, responsibility and seniority. Fraudulent activity can range from compromising customer or payroll data to simply stealing or submitting inflated expenses. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on 'Why violent video games should not be banned'?Get the original essay Personnel fraud can have an 'opportunistic' element in that it is usually undertaken unplanned by an individual in the aim of obtaining personal financial gain, or may be linked to a serious and organized criminal network or to the financing of terrorism. These are frauds committed by staff members of commercial entities (employees and managers). They include, but are not limited to: Unethical practice aimed at seducing customers to improve market share; this is usually done where staff are usually asked to achieve unrealistic targets. This happened during the regime of Professor Charles Soludu as central bank governor, all in the name of meeting the savings targets of female bank staff. His intervention then reduces the conversion of certain bank employees into prostitutes. Illegal conversion of company assets, this can occur with the help of improper registration and allocation of assets. sometimes collusion of other staff and customers. Illegal occupation of accommodation and staff quarters, this usually occurs when a staff occupying accommodation in one location is transferred to another location and eventually given alternative official accommodation. This type of fraud usually doesn't happen for a long time. Unauthorized occupancy of accommodations for higher-ranking officers, usually done to favor certain favorites within a business entity, rather than staying abroad while traveling at personal or corporate expense. Trust Nigerians, some people doing one or two courses abroad usually don't get sick within a few days or so of returning to Nigeria. Conversion of private spending into public spending. A common example includes converting hotels and entertainment for family and friends into official expenses. Override controls to hide certain fraud or favor certain parties. Wages and salaries that range from ghost staff, unauthorized allowances, overestimation of overtime, non-deduction of loans. and advances, non-deduction of approved contributions, overpayment of salary, etc. Teeming and loading: using future revenues to cover current. (usually refers to Peter stealing to pay Paul). Skimming: Intercepting a cash payment before recording/deleting receipts by not issuing them. invoices for payments, this is mainly done when payment authorizations are decentralized. Collusion with customers and suppliers: accepting substandard or inferior items as authentic. Deliberate failure to register debtors: This is usually done for personal gain in order to obtain less amount from customers for oneself..