
  • Essay / The Bay of Pigs Invasion - 802

    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was intended to impress the quality of an associated insurrection against Fidel Castro, who had overthrown the American-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Instead, it gave Fidel Castro a military triumph and a permanent image of Cuban resistance to American aggression. The Bay of Pigs was not originally John F. Kennedy's plan, as the communist nature of Fidel Castro's regime became evident and the urge to overthrow his government grew. The administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower planned the invasion, which could be handled by the Central Intelligence Agency. By the time of Kennedy's inauguration, the invasion order was the only remaining element of the attempted establishment. Preparations for the invasion began in 1960, before diplomatic relations with Cuba were severed. The matter was delicate, because it involved overthrowing a government with which the United States was not at war. Many aspects, as well as information and military assets, were included in the arrangement, in addition to the directive that the United States should not appear concerned. Throughout the presidential campaign, Kennedy was accused of not doing enough towards Fidel Castro. In fact, Eisenhower could have launched an associated invasion himself, if he had given himself a proper excuse. Instead, he bequeathed Kennedy a sophisticated attempt; The United Nations agency was strongly inclined to continue along this path. Others in the government were not convinced. As early as Gregorian Month, the Cubans had proven to the World Organization that the United States was recruiting and training mercenaries. American involvement was unlikely to remain secret. Senator J. Fulbright told Kennedy that this type of hypocrisy was simply the kind of problem that the United States defended... middle of paper ...... didn't care about. A few months later, the three officials who engineered the invasion – Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) diplomat Allen, Deputy Director for Operations Richard Bissell, and Air Force General Charles Cabell – were unemployed. Massive trials of the captured men took place and almost all were sentenced to thirty years' imprisonment. After twenty months of negotiations, they were released in exchange for $53 million in food and medicine. The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion opened the way for possible attacks on Fidel Castro Ruz by his northern aggressor. President Kennedy made very little effort to hide his persistent desire to have Fidel Castro Ruz expelled. Castro's insecurity regarding the long term of his rule over Cuba rectified the situation at the Soviet nuclear missile installation there, before the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.