
  • Essay / The power of women in Sundiata and The Romance of...

    In a patriarchal society, men normally have the power. This power is generally transmitted from generation to generation as we see at Sundiata where the lineage of the first kings of Mali is explained generation by generation (Niane 3). We can also see it in The Romance of Tristan and Isolde when “[T]he barons Andret, Guénelon, Gondoine and Dénoalen urged King Marc to take as his wife some king’s daughter who would give him an heir…” Bédier 26 ). In these examples, men typically hold the primary power. However, there is an argument that women, both in Sundiata and The Romance of Tristan and Isolde, have significant power in their society. In Sundiata, the power that women have can be seen as knowledge gained through experience, and the cleverness of using that knowledge. Sassouma Berete knows this power of trickery only too well. While Sogolon is to marry the king, Sassouma Berete uses his ruse to spread rumors about Sogolon. As DT Niane writes in Soundiata, “we knew that she [Sogolon] was not beautiful, but everyone's curiosity was aroused, and already a thousand anecdotes were circulating, most of them told by Sassouma Berete, the king's first wife. » (Niane 10). This suggests that Sassouma Berete understood the power of using his experience and cunning to create a hostile atmosphere for Sogolon. When Sogolon becomes pregnant with Sundiata, Sassouma Berete begins the process of determining how this would affect her and her children. DT Niane, writes: “What would become of her, Sassouma Berete, if her son, already eight years old, was disinherited in favor of the child that Sogolon was going to give birth to? (Niane 13). In this example, Sassouma Berete uses her experience and tricks...... middle of paper ...... Finally, when Isolde is about to leave for her impending marriage to King Mark, "her mother has gathered herbs, flowers and roots and soaked them in wine, and concocted a potion of power... (Bédier 41). their wedding night, once again shows the power that women possessed. In Sundiata and in The Romance of Tristan and Isolde, women have power within society. This power is manifested through their knowledge, their experience. and their cunning that they possess in both the epic and romantic story is crucial to the success and failure of both stories Bedier, Joseph The Romance of Tristan and Isolde. Books, 1994. Print. Niane, Djibril Tamsir., David W. Chappell and Jim Jones: An epic of old Mali. Harlow, England: Pearson Longman, 2006. Print.