
  • Essay / Relationship story: Personal story - 1211

    Fairy tales say that once upon a time there was a girl who met a boy; they fell in love and lived happily ever after. The reality is not so simple. Long-term relationships require couples to get to know each other, engage in each other's worlds, work through difficult times, and ultimately develop deeper bonds through the distinct stages of Knapp's relationship model. Although I have been dating the same person for over two years, the stages of our communication make it seem like I am now dating a different person after the breakup and subsequent repair. However, even the most exhilarating roller coaster develops through a combination of ups and downs, much like the stages of a relationship. The first contact took place when he caught my eye during a cross-country race. I sensed an immediate attraction and my friends started referring to it as Paige's crush. The similarity of interests connected us and provided opportunities for interactional contact through high school football. The relationship developed over a distance as we observed and learned about each other through the proximity of our neighborhoods, living only a mile from each other. Exhilarating, thrilling emotions overwhelmed me every time John called. Showing interest, John pursued me and wanted to spend time together. Our personalities blended. Duchenne's uncontrollable smiles took over whenever I saw him or thought of him. Team dinners didn't require the need for speaking because our nonverbal communication and eye contact said it all, demonstrated by winks and silly faces. By the end of the summer, we were linked and officially dating. We continued to get to know each other as our involvement expanded and disclosure grew rapidly. I quickly learned the limits of the subject by presenting to you...... middle of paper ...... because we live in reality. It taught us how to improve through the stages of relationships. My long-term relationship has reached new levels of involvement and intimacy through difficult times that others may use as a reason to end what they once had. Instead, we used the weaknesses to better appreciate the strengths of our new reality. Continuing our relationship even today, we learn to cooperate by listening and receiving before responding in a harsh tone. The Knapp Cycle continues on a path toward repair or termination and John and I have learned to resolve our issues in a calm, rational manner because we have complete trust in our relationship. John and I own our mistakes and avoid negative disclosure in every discussion. John and I have found a communication system that works for us and every relationship will be different.